Thursday, December 24, 2009

blog baru ^_^

Untuk makluman semua, saya sudah berpindah blog. Sile lawati blog baru saya di RatahAyam muahahahahha.. :">

Wednesday, November 04, 2009




sori sbb sepatutnya dah lama tulih psl ni.. jeng jeng jeng..

then... tuuutt... tuttt..

mmg best \(^_^)/

cam tak ada apa kat gmbr tu? :-"

Ini lah kesimpulannye ^_^

frame gmbr tu dihadiahkan oleh setariberi aka yatie sempena dpt jwb dgn betul quiz teka lirik lagu dier.. gmbr tu gak hadiah dari dier tp memori kitorg ber4 membuat lawatan tanpa kepengetahuan boss ke opis pf ahaks..

cawan yg tak berbasuh(baru lepas gune tau) tu pon hadiah dari setari lepas dpt jwb quiz dier yg ke2.

utk pengetahuan korg bertige, hari2 bosses terpakse tgk gmbr tu.. ahahhaha sbb bile nk jwb tepon, dier kene dok kat tmpt aku ^_^

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

don't look down on people

Salam n salam syawal..

Terus saja ke point yang ingin disampaikan. Tidak guna berselindung. Dalam seminggu dua ni ada satu perkara sering bermain di kepala ni. Aduhh~!

Ada satu golongan manusia di atas muka bumi ni suka memandang rendah kpd org lain. Believe me.. we might be one of them. Mungkin pada anggapan org lain, mereka tidaklah sebegitu tapi kita hidup bermasyarakat, oleh itu fikirlah perasaan orang lain juga. Kalau tidak suka.. gunung, hutan, padang pasir dan laut luas tidak berpenghuni.

Sedih tgk orang mcm ni. I'm not going to state the characteristics of this people coz it might differ from what u think. Tapi one thing i can say. This people should change. You still have friends now but sooner or later, they all will gone and at that point dont blame others.


Thursday, October 01, 2009

What will happen to Kartika now?

Salam n salam syawal..

belom start keje lagi but just like the other morning weekday, i start my day with newspaper reading.. with earthquake bare its fang to us, with political issue about BN candidates, and so on.. but one news caught me sleeping.. NGO bekerjasama dgn Sister In Islam nak buat rayuan ke court so that the punishment is cancelled. i could care less about their opinion but what i dissapointed in them is among them, there r societies that have a bit of respect from me from what they've been striving for.

From my p.o.v, Kartika deserved the punishment and altho ppl said why her and why now? there's always first time in everything, rite? why her? cuba bygkan kalau pakcik 50-an yg jumpe tepi jln kne tangkap atas kesalahan yg same, all those ppl yg try nak 'selamatkan' Kartika xkan berjuang habes-habesan mcm skrg. why? well, because she is young, woman and on top of all, a model. duhh!!

Have you ever heard a story regarding the sin of 'minum arak' from anbiya' stories.. Ada seorang lelaki ni sejak kecil lagi tekun beribadat kpd Allah SWT dan tidak pernah melakukan dosa besar. Then, the syaiton wanted to ermm.. like usual la.. then the syaiton got an idea. then, the syaiton menyamar jadi seorg lelaki dan turut beribadat di dlm masjid yg sama dgn lelaki tersebut. Syaiton itu lebih tekun beribadat berbndg lelaki td, tidak makan dan tidak tidur. Maka lelaki td berasa sgt tertarik dan bertnyekan bagaimana dier boleh beribadat spt lelaki itu (syaiton). Maka syaiton itu pon berkongsi pengalaman dier. Dier kate lelaki itu hendaklah merasai membuat dosa dan bertaubat. Maka lelaki td yg sgt eager n beribadat spt lelaki itu (syaiton) tanpa berfikir pnjg terus bersetuju.

lelaki syaiton: Apa kata anda membunuh org?

mangsa: itu dosa sgt besar. tak mahulah

lelaki syaiton: apa kata zina?

mangsa: tak mahulah.

lelaki syaiton: kalau begitu, minum araklah.

mangsa: bolehlah, lagipun tidak melibatkan org lain.

Maka lelaki itu pun meminum la air kencing syaiton itu (erk.. simbolik la) maka mabuklah lelaki td. Dlm kemabukan itu, lalulah seorg perempuan. Dgn bisikan syaiton itu, terjadilah satu zina. Apabila lelaki td tersedar dari kemabukan, dier sgt terkejut dgn kelakuannya. Untuk menutup kesalahan dier dan agar tidak diketahui org, dgn bisikan syaiton itu juga, dier pon bunuhlah perempuan td.

Kesimpulan? fikirlah sndr. Kesimpulan yg diberikan oleh org lain, kite xkan hargai. Ada aqal, ada hati yg Allah bg. So here i just wanna highlight how big the sin is. We might thought it has been a small sin and can be forgiven once we 'bertaubat'. But do we know whether Allah receives our taubat? And while knowing this, all those NGO (and ada muslims juga terlibat.. looking nice and all with 'muke suci kengkunun) ask for the punishment to be cancelled. Fear and talking about human's right. Duhh!! Kalau tnye saye, itu tandanya dier pentingkan dunia berbndg akhirat. Kalau saya berada di tmpt Kartika, saya akan minta hukuman tu kat dunia lagi. Sbb hukuman kat dunia oleh pemerintah dgn sebetulnya, nnt kat akhirat kite dah xkene. and hukuman kat akhirat lagi dahsyat dan lagi menakutkan dari 6 sebatan yg sememangnya xsakit pon.

This is my sheilaisme, what about yours?


Monday, September 28, 2009

Thanks to those ppl called women

Hi and assalamualaikum.. dan selamat sejahtera..

when a blogger decides to write an entry whenever he/she feels like, his/her blog will be like mine.. no consistency no followers no frequent updates. ahahahaa but i cant help it. too many things on my mind so too many things to write but not suitable with the readers and limited time. n the list goes on.. haha

this time i think i have to speak up.. well, maybe the person i 'fired' might not (or i think wont read) my blog but at least i show my 'sheilaisme'.. hehe

while blogwalking, i found this blog. everything is normal but there's something that not quite to my understanding. so i decided to write about it in my blog. i wont put his link up (the blogger is male) as i dont want his ..isme influences ppl more than it is.

so this is the screenshot of the part that i really not agree..

"The fact that she is a woman..."

i wondering if there's sound of male chauvinist there.. i've been controlling my anger for about 2 hours now so i hope no reader will say that i'm in the state of excessive emotional while commenting about this.

to ppl who agree with him, or the writer himself read about this, let me say something. the fact that you separate human to trust as man and woman, shows that you are blind. or are you saying that men are entities that can be trusted as long as they existed as men? well, i fully know about the less trusted woman as she can be trusted only 1/3 of her. but the way it said are not nice. for everyone, the existence of a woman and a man is needed, not a third of her. or are you saying that u only trust a third of what your mother says?

lets think about it. where we put our ..isme and how we act should be screened first. pakat cedok je nnt padahlah akhirnya.
if there's something i should know, let me know. if there's something i dont understand, teach me.
psst: i pity his wife (or future-to-be wife). he doesnt trust her just becoz she is a woman. haha
