Sunday, April 30, 2006

Epilog silam – haikal

Dalam mengenang kisah hidup silam
Ku sedar dari kesilapan lalu
Tuhan beratnya dosa-dosaku
Masihkah ada ampunan buatku

Dalam menempuh hidup ini
Banyaknya dugaan datang menguji
Ada yang dapatku gagahi
Dan ada yang gagal kuhindari

Dosaku menggunung tinggi
Tapi taubatku tak kutepati
Rahmat-Mu melangit luas
Terlalu sedikit kubersyukur

Kini kukembali pada-Mu
Mengharap maghfirah dari-Mu
Mogakan terampunlah dosa-dosaku
Biarpun ujian melanda
Ku tetap berkasih pada-Mu
Kerna kuyakin kasih-Mu
Kekal tiada sudahnya...

i really like this song.. hayati~~~laa the lyrics of the song.. really menyentuh hati..:D

Manchester's Malaysian nite..

Assalamualaikum wrt..

first of all.. i wld like to apologise to anyone.. if u read this entry.. will hurt u.. n give bad impression to ppl like.. it's not that i wanna jugde u from wut u did or do.. but this is all..100% my own opinion.. wit wut i believe.. n i want ppl around me notice wut r the consequences behind wut u did or do..:D ehehehheh cam formal lak gaye nye.. xdek ar.. lepak ar..

2nite.. mssm will held an annual activity.. like those previous yrs.. Malaysian nite.. well.. x salah if we wanna njoy ourselves.. wit frens.. n i agree that this is a great opportunity that we can meet our 'lost frens'.. ahahahhaa n also a great opportunity that we wanna show how our lifestyle.. how our culture.. to 'outside world'.. tp niat x menghalalkan care.. n we(islam) hav our own way utk berhibur.. islam doesnt forbide Muslims njoying ourselves.. but not too much.. we already know that.. in all things.. all fields.. kalo melampau or terlebih.. bring bad things back to us.. things happen in front of our eyes.. rite? ermm for example.. if 'we' smoke too much.. bad for our lungs.. if we eat too much.. we'll get obbesiti+other diseases.. plus many more.. u may say that wut u do or did.. x dikire melampau.. but there's no limit to our hawa'(nafsu).. nafsu kite x meletakkan any scale to how much we can njoy.. (tmbhn lak mende yg kite buat tu.. meng'excited'kan nafsu tu sendiri.. ) na'uzubillah himinzalik..

Allah put human on a very high level.. among His makhluk.. so dont lower ourselves.. to the level that He dont wanna bring us back.. Allah loves us very much.. till that in one of hadith says that.. Allah will always forgives till we get tired of making bad things.. tapi nak ke kite jd makhluk Allah yg x bersyukur ngan sume bende yg Allah kasi??.. Izrail will visits us 70 times a day.. in 'chances' that he will takes our life away.. but he once says.." aku hairan melihat manusia.. aku menjenguknya 70 kali sehari.. dgn kemungkinan akan mencabut nyawanya.. tp dier masih tersenyum.. bergelak ketawa.."

ape yg kite buat salah ngan mesian nite tu? melihat perempuan2 dgn nafsu sudah trg2an salah.. i'm not ere to judge.. but in al-Quran.. clearly stated.. "la taqrabuz zina.." ramai org tau ayat nih.. but how many ppl will realize that there's heavy meaning behind it.. (tp saye rase ayat tu sudah jelas2 sejelasnye..) can u imagine.. kite dilarang memakai perfume yg berkemungkinan meng'excited'kan org laki.. tu pon dose nye kite dikire berzina dgnnya... apetah lagi.. performing some art stuff in front of ppl bukn mahram.. bukn shj in front of muslims.. but non-muslims also.. those things will give impressions that.. this is our lifestyle.. this is our culture...

ppl.. look back to our own history.. if not us who will bring back our tamadun.. who else? our tamadun is soooo great.. till org puteh pon tiru pakai jubah mase grad.. bile lagi kite nk buat good deeds kalo bukn skrg? we may say that.. " ermm.. lepas nih la.." or "hidup masih pnjg.. lepas ni kite tobat ar..Allah Maha Pengampun n Maha Penyanyang.." but we hav to remember Allah also Maha Adil.. Allah will judges human on wut they did.. not only bcoz we r muslims.. astaghfirullah hal 'azim..

badan kite sehat.. tp sehat badan inilah yg kite bawe ke arah kemusnahannye.. nafsu kite degil.. tapi disebabkan nafsu yg degil inilah Allah letak kite lebih tinggi drpd malaikat.. hati kite lembut... tp disebabkan kelembutan itulah ia mampu dipengaruhi.. salamz..

Thursday, April 27, 2006

dont know anymore..

Assalamualaikum wrt..

i dont know anymore.. remember dat i wrote in one of the entries afew days ago.. i wrote that i wanna get married.. well.. hmmm...i dont know anymore.. i hav d desire bcoz of a few reasons.. n now certains reason...but not all.. not relevant anymore.. uhuhuhuhu camne ek.. uhuhuhuu i dont know wut to do anymore..

it's not that i wanna get married that badly.. it's juz i cant find other way to solve my things.. but since a few days ago.. some of the reasons(prob) hav been solved.. if another prob solved..i dont hav any reason y i shld get married.. b4 i even think of dont wanna get married.. dont know y.. uhuhuhuhuuhu i cant think bout this anymore..

i ask my bro.. that is it ok for me to get married early.. he said that now there r girlz that get married late.. bout 28/29.. huh.. there's a hadith.. i dont remember d exact sentence.. but its bout a gud woman is scaled in 3 things.. get married early.. has many children(but someone told me that it's hav child in early age) n low in 'mas kawen'.. hmmm... huh.. xnk ckp psl nih dah.. i think dis is d answer for my prob..(this marriage thingy..mayb i juz get carried away..:D)

for those who r really wanna c me get married early.. sorry!! i think i'll b one of ur fren that get married late.. ahahahha dont know y but i feel that it'll b like dat.. :p

wokeh la.. wanna do some revision b4 went to bed.. lub u fillah..

Monday, April 24, 2006

Mangse yg bersalah krn terlalu comel~~

Wanted!! perogol bersiri..

Gubra..salah satu tanda dunia menghampiri di hujung usia

Assalamualaikum wrt..

i juz got back from howarth st's house.. when i found out that there were so many ppl forwarding a link to blog.. ermmm faisal tehrani's.. bout a new film juz produced in Malaysia.. uhuhuhuhuu sedih giler wooo.. the film is a product from Yasmin Ahmad.. i dont know.. whether she juz wanna produce a film dat really a 'good' film n said dat.. will membuke mate masyarakat.. or juz wanna 'melariskan filem maka mencari ape yg masyarakat suke'.. i read somewhere.. said dat.. lebih sng menarik masyarakat menggunakan mungkar.. now it's proven rite? iskk... x best ar nk kutuk gune English nih.. wokehh..

saye mmg x tau ape niat or tujuan sbenar pencipta filem tu.. but tu adalah salah satu care nk menarik masyarakat ke arah suatu mende.. mmg la manusia nih fitrah nye ke arah kebaikan.. tp fitrah manusia juga cenderong ke arah keseronokan.. uhuhuhuhu.. "Menurut pengarah dan penulis filem ini, Yasmin Ahmad: Saya mahu paparkan tentang kisah dan sikap manusia yang biasanya selalu berada dalam keadaan gubra. Kerana gubra ramai di antara kita tidak reti untuk menghargai kasih sayang. Selain itu, mesej yang ingin saya sampaikan melalui Gubra ialah tentang kemaafan (Utusan Malaysia, 9 Ogos 2005)." dis i quote from faisal tehrani's blog.. from wut i read in his blog.. penerbit filem nih nk menayang filem or nk menyedarkan masyarakat.. bhw from her(YAsmin Ahmad) point of view... nih la masyarakat ISLAM skrg.. krn pelakon2 dlm filem tu trg2an beragama Islam dan dikehendaki melakonkan watak org Islam.. Astaghfirullah hal 'azim.. really du'a to God dat.. give her guidance n give her.. hidayah n forgiveness.. antara perkara yg amat menyeleweng drpd Islam.. adalah Bilal Li menyentuh anjing sebelum azan.. mmg ada mazhab yg mengatakan dibolehkan menyentuh anjing.. tp kalo dah sesaje cam tu.. x ke tu cume memuaskan kehendak diri.. kehendak hawa nafsu.. satu lagi.. yg si pelakon tu pegi sentuh atas arahan YAsmin Ahmad tu ape hal?? ade dalil yg menyentuh psl x boleh menyentuh anjing.. n dalil tu dtg nye drpd Allah.. our MIGHTY GOD.. apebile seseorg tu melakukan sesuatu atas arahan sesorg.. mendahulukan atau mementingkan perintah manusia itu berbndg perintah Allah.. makan itu sudah dikire mempertuhankan org itu.. ape igt Yasmin Ahmad tu ur god???? isk... geram giler..

saye mule bace blog tu dgn hati yg amat lembut.. ngan fikiran sedar bhw arus ini.. kejahilan sebegini biase di kalangan masyarakat Islam skrg.. terutame di Malaysia.. tp hati saye ttp terkejut dgn isi kdgn filem tu... ape yg lebih mengejutkan saye.. penerbit nye ISLAM... berbintikan Ahmad.. huh... kalo org bukn Islam yg menerbitkan filem sebegitu.. saye x kan terkejut sebegini krn mereka x blaja psl Islam.. mereka x paham psl Islam.. tp sbenarnye mereka(org bukn Islam tu..) lebih menghormati Islam jauh berbndg org yg mencetuskan idea filem ini dan juga org yg menerbitkan filem ni.. termasukla skali org yg berlakon.. krew2 sume la.. sbg org Islam.. apabile berlaku kemungkaran depan mate kite.. septtnye kite cegah.. sebgimane kite tau.. 3 peringkat tu.. tp 'org2' tu.. bukn setakat x cegah.. malah turut 'menjayekan' penerbitan filem tersebut.. saye rase hancur berderai hati saye bile membace beginilah realiti masyarakat skrg..

dlm hati saye berdoa dibukakan hati org2 yg terlibat.. amat berharap filem itu diharamkan.. diberi hidayah kpd mereka.. diampunkan dosa2 mereka.. *sedih inilah saudaraku.. dlm kegelapan.. terkapai2 mencari cahaye.. sehingga tersungkur jauh..ditambah pule dgn kesunyian hati yg digoda oleh musuh manusia sendiri*.. uhuhuhuuuhuh..

saya amat suke satu ayat drpd faisal tehrani..

"Kalau tak reti agama jangan syarahkan agama dalam filem.Jangan rosakkan orang."

amat pedas.. tp kalo kulit x terkupas.. malah amat tebal lak tu.. xkan sampai msg nye.. ni lah tugas umat Islam skrg.. ade satu pendpt drpd faisal tehrani dlm blog nye.. dier kate amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar tu ade pendpt kate tu fardhu 'ain.. dan ade kate fardhu kifayah.. fardhu 'ain tu kite mmg wajib.. so kite wajib la kene buat.. tp kalo fardhu kifayah.. kite skrg dah jatuh hukum wajib ke atas kite.. nape? sbb nye objective nye x tercapai lagi.. cnth nye kalau uruskan jenazah.. bg suatu kwsn.. kalo x dek sorg pon yg uruskan jenazah tu.. maka jatuh berdosa pd seluruh kwsn tu kan..n kalo ade wpon sorg yg buat.. terselamatla org2 tu.. tp kalo sorg tu buat tp x terdaya menyempurnakan nye.. still org2 yg terlibat berdosa.. kalo jenazah tu x disempurnakan objective nye.. maka jatuh la dosa pd org yg terlibat.. so same la ngan hal amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar tu.. kalo objective nye x disempurnakan lagi.. maka jatuh berdosa pd org yg terlibat.. sape yg terlibat?? kite la.. org Islam.. x nk terlibat ke? tu bukn org Mukmin.. (sbenarnye boleh dikatakan bukn org Islam.. tp saye x nk la keras kat sini..) sbb ade dlm satu hadis sahih Rasulullah.. saye x igt camne ayat btol dier.. tp Rasulullah S.A.W ade kate kalau seseorg Islam itu x mengambil tahu hal saudaranye.. maka dier bukn drpd kalangan mereka(umat Islam)..

Subhanallah.. hal ni btol2 buat saye sedar.. dunie nih hampir kiamat.. saye ade dgr seorg ustaz kate... ade hadis sahih Rasulullah kate.. umat Islam akan naik 3 kali.. memule saye igt tu psl yg tamadun Islam.. kan dlm sejarah Islam dah naik 2 kali kan.. so saye igt kiamat akan berlaku lepas kebangkitan Islam kali ke-3 tu.. so saye pk saye perlu berusahe.. mencapai kegemilangan Islam yg ke-3 tu.. supaye saye ade saham saye ke arah tu.. sementare saye masih ade kat dunie nih lagi.. tp sbenarnye.. 3 kali naik tu adalah psl qualiti umat Islam.. bukn nye dr segi tamadun.. bile saye dgr psl tu.. hati saye mcm ade satu lubang yg sgt besar.. mcm mane kite nk ukur qualiti umat Islam.. kite x nmpk iman seseorg tu camne.. hanya Allah S.W.T je yg tahu.. so kiamat tu dah bleh berlaku anytime from now on.. boleh jadi esok.. boleh jadi mlm nih.. amat seram!!! kite kate "bile tue sket la baru kite beribadat lebih sket.." "hidup bahagie camni pon dah bleh masuk syurge".. tp sedarkah umat Islam skrg.. tanggungjwb kite.. amanah Allah pd kite.. janji kite pd Allah masih x tercapai lagi.. camne nk ngadap Raja Seluruh Alam?

i think dis is enuf for this time..(tp btol2 rase x pueh hati lagi..) really hope dat Allah will permudahkan segale urusan ke arah jln kebaikan.. ok..really hav to stop ere.. nnt meleret lak.. ehehhe k

Saturday, April 22, 2006

things wont always go ur way..

Assalamualaikum wrt.. sbenarnye this matter terlintas kat pkran saye about 2 days ago.. but i didnt get any chance to write it up.. ehehehe i watched goong.. ermm the other name is the imperial palace.. uhuhuhuhuh.. it saud dat the story is actually based from its manga.. so i looked up in the internet..n found out that.. the drama doesnt follow the exact story line from the manga.. n i like the manga better..eheheheh my point is.. in the manga.. the prince doesnt wanna be the prince.. the previous king's son wanna b the prince.. but the royal family wanna the current prince to take the post.. things wont always go wit wut u planned.. i knew bout this.. it's written in al-Quran n i believe ppl know bout this 2.. but there's always something behind wut happen.. i get really sad bout this.. it's also scares me.. i always think bout wut we plan 2day.. sometimes we r really sure that it would happen.. but we dont hav any right to decide dat.. ade ayat Quran says that.. kamu merancang tapi igtlah Allah adalah sebaik2 perancang.. at first i juz understand wut it's mean juz like dat.. knowing dat we plan everyday.. n Allah's plan will happen.. not our plan.. juz dat.. but witnessing wut happen in front of my eyes.. uhhuhuhu actually i wanna write more.. but my mind juz goes blank.. i know i got more to write but.. ahh.. mayb next time.. genki dene~~.. c ya.. jzkk

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

cinta seorg isteri kpd Manusia Agung

Sambil berdiri di kubur Nabi s.a.w. isteri beliau tercinta Aisyah pun berkata, bersenandung dengan suara terharu :

Wahai orang yang tidak pernah memakai sutera,

yang tak pernah tidur di atas kasur yang empuk,

Wahai orang yang keluar dari dunia
dan perutnya tidak pernah kenyang dengan roti gandum,

Wahai orang yang memilih tikar untuk tempat tidur,

Wahai orang yang tidak tidur sepanjang malam
(karena lamanya melaksanakan qiyamul lail)

karena takut sentuhan neraka Sa'ir........

(Usman bin Hasan bin Ahmad Syakir, Durratun Nasihin, hal. 56-61)

Sunday, April 16, 2006


Assalamualaikum wrt..uhuhuhuhuuhhu i'll expose everything ere in dis blog.. i know dat ppl dat i dont know might read it.. but..... i dont know who i should confide dis thing.. i talk to a few ppl.. but i dont know whether they understand.. i'm not saying dat they dont understand wut i told them.. but they dont understand how i feel n wut i'm going thru..

first thing!! jgn terkejut ekkk.. dis is a new thing for me.. whole new thing!! a new world.. i wanna get married.. uhuhuhuhuhu terkejut x?? :p when it is started? hermm... well.. b4 acteli i really dont care bout this marriage thing.. i even terpk xnak kawen lak..eheheh but sjk kebelakangan nih.. emmm.. all d girlz talk bout is this thing.. i feel like i had enter a new world.. dat i dont belong to.. hmm.. uhuhuhuhuu i dont like such feeling.. ermm i dont care such thing.. sampaikan i dont care(bukn nk kate dont care... tp ok jek la..) if my husband(in d future la..:p) kawen lain.. ehehhehe.. there r a few reason y i wanna get married.. n i havnt tell my parents yet.. d first one to know is Along(my housemate la.. not my bro)

My first bro will get engaged this summer.. n he's confiding me bout his prob.. n his prob bukn mende remeh.. really2.. then.. for my second bro.. my parents had arrange someone for him.. but i dont know wut is his reaction.. among our siblings..he's d first one yg couple.. well.. he's kinda famous among his fren.. huhuuhuh n he got such a cute gf.. n wut i know they already broke up.. waaa... such a waste.. coz she got wut my mom lookin' for.. ehehehehe.. n my mom already give permission for me to couple.. but u know.. i dont like such thing.. ermmm how to say dis.. kalo borak ngan my parents.. we nvr talk bout this thing.. i'm the oldest daughter.. i know d responsibility dat i hav to carry.. waaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.. really.. this is a whole new thing to me.. ppl always said.. dat if a girl doesnt hav bf.. either she's not interested or she feel insecure if she get a bf.. well.. i think i choose the second one.. y? hmm.. how to say dis?.. we all need love.. either to be loved or to love someone.. n huhhh.. i dont know how to explain this.. wut i know is.. kat dunie nih.. xdek mende pon yg kekal.. n dat includes love btw human.. hmm.. or i juz not interested??.. iuhuhuuuhuhu confused2..

talking bout to be loved n to love someone.. i juz read a manga.. waaa... dah lame x ckp psl manga.. ehehhehe.. there is a guy who's in trouble.. n he has a gf.. he's been deceiving his gf.. by not showing his true self.. his gf dont care.. ermm i mean.. dier x kesah bout dat.. coz how's been living his life so far.. is part of him rite? n she loves him for that.. he deceives her coz he thout she will hates him for that.. one thing he know for sure.. the root of his prob is he juz wanna be loved by someone.. when he found such a girl that he comfortable to be wit.. he becomes possesive.. so when the girl knows bout his prob.. she tries to help him.. but he doesnt wanna accept.. he know that he juz wanna be loved by someone.. but he feel something is missing.. that's going him mad sampaikan dier push her away.. but to one point that she mde him realizes that he also wanna love someone.. not only to be love by someone.. he doesnt know where to put all his love.. uhuhuhuh.. mende2 cam tu pon bleh buat m'sia giler kan.. uhuuhuuhuh.. one thing i got from ere.. to love someone is greater than to be loved.. ermm.. i feel that's true.. but i think there r ppl who wont agree.. ahhh.. dont wanna talk bout this anymore..

one more reason y i wanna get married is bcoz.. ermm coz saye takut saye buat maksiat.. bukan setakat maksiat hati..n mate.. some ppl may understand wut i'm going thru.. uhuhuhuhuuh.. n sometimes saye perlukan some push.. ermm camne ek.. kite kalo nk buat mende baik.. ade peringkat2 dier.. saye ade niat.. saye ade motivasi.. someone told me that i'm good in muhasabah diri.. but something's need to be trigger in me.. uhuhuhuuhuh too much al-hawa' n nafsu.. so i think if someone who always by my side.. someone lives wit me.. can n will does dat for me.. uhuuhuh dats d biggest reason y i wanna get married.. ermm cnth nye la kan.. cam bgn solat subuh awal.. if i'm alone in dis room.. kalo subuh tu kol 4.. (ikut waktu skrg..ehehehe) n sunrise kol 6.. saye akan bgn subuh kol 530.. uhuhuhu.. but if saye kene kejut org..saye akan bgn awal..(insyaAllah..) so saye rase maqasid nye lebih besar...uhuhuuhhuhu camne nih?????????? someone told me dat.. d biggest 'bump' in d get permission from parents.. n i havnt try dat yet.. ehehhehe waiting for my mom to call.. coz my phone has been barred.. coz miscommunication.. n technical prob.. eheheheh

ehh.. pnjg giler entry kali nih.. but for 11 ppl(u know who u r) plzzz help me.. mayb ur reason will help me..huhuhuhuh.. wokeh la i'll write more next time.. see ya.. salamz..

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Segenggam tabah - in-team

i really like dis song.. after along n kak mum say that dis is a gud song.. ermm at first i wasnt interested..coz.. it's from in-team.. but try it!!! its gud..

Bertali arus dugaan tiba
Menakung sebak airmata
Namun tak pernah pun setitis
Gugur berderai di pipi
Tidak ditempah hidup sengsara
Suratan nasib yang melanda
Menongkah badai bergelora
Diredah bersendirian
Bagaikan camar pulang senja
Patah sayapnya tetap terbang jua
Sekadar secicip rezeki
Buat yang sedang rindu menanti
Segenggam tabah dipertahankan
Buat bekalan di perjalanan
Kau bebat luka yang berdarah
Kau balut hati yang calar

Telah tertulis suratan nasibmu
Derita buatmu ada hikmahnya
Terlukis senyum di bibir lesu
Tak siapa tahu hatimu
Biarpun keruh air di hulu
Mungkinkah jernih di muara
Biarpun jenuh hidup dipalu
Pasti bertemu tenangnya

ehehehehe.. njoy d song... uhuhuhuh till now i still cant made up my mind.. uhuhuuhu

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

confused heart....

Assalamualaikum wrt.. hiyaa!!! uhuhuhuhuh.. i dont know how should/where to start.. i'm on my way to a really different world... i know this is a really big decision to make.. but i dont know where to talk to.. i dont wanna hurt my mom or dad.. every single word that i said or say to them.. i cant take it back..

uhuuhuhuhuhu.. i feel really confused rite now.. waaaaaaaaaaa...............i'll settle down.. n cite kat korg next time tau!!!.. bye c ya!!

Alahummaghfirli wali ukhti..luv ya!!

Monday, April 10, 2006

cute gak~~



salamz...uhuhuhuhu u guys sure pelik kan... semlm berie jek tulih.. cam ade byk mende nk bgtau.. tertibe 2day??? yup!!! feel really boring rite now.. ermm its not very suitable word actually.. malas sbenarnye..uhuhuhuuhuh ah!!.. i'll juz post pics.. heheheheh njoy d pics k!! :p

Allahumaghfirli waliukhti..


salamz...uhuhuhuhu u guys sure pelik kan... semlm berie jek tulih.. cam ade byk mende nk bgtau.. tertibe 2day??? yup!!! feel really boring rite now.. ermm its not very suitable word actually.. malas sbenarnye..uhuhuhuuhuh ah!!.. i'll juz post pics.. heheheheh njoy d pics k!! :p

Allahumaghfirli waliukhti..

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Soldier of Allah - 1924

sometimes.. it takes blood to cherish this world.. sometimes.. tears become useless..

The truth about the state
It wasn't always like this
Let us look back in time
History reminds us
One army
One land
One central authority
Crushing the romans persians put in fear

The Ummah like a Lion
No need to shed a tear
When the village was attacked by the kufar
The Khalife heard
The sister cry & Prepared for war
Attacking the city
Destroying it from existence
Lesson # 1 Don't ever Mess with Muslims

The Imam of the Ummah is a shield
where he protects the Ummah
and where the Ummah fights behind him
Where is this shield today to protect the Ummah??
What happen to this shield
to honor and dignify the Ummah???
In 1917 Prime Minister of britain
after entering Jerusalem stated
the crusade war has ended?
In the same year the french general, goro
went to the grave of Salahudeen-Ayubi
Salahudeen-Ayubi, the one
who 730 years prier
crushed the crusades and liberated Palestine & Syria
he went to his grave in Damascus and kicked it
and said wake up oh Salahudeen we hare here ?

How did they do this to you and me
We turn on the TV and all we see is
a world full of casualties a generation in agony
our Ummah is in misery
let us go back to beginning of the century
and review our history from one side
to the other side of the globe
the system of Islam
Ruled over the world

They went to the Muslims
for the all their solutions
from mathematics to biology
to the advancements in technology
the kafir women use to imitate our women
they wanted the same respect
that the Muslims sisters were given
while the enemies of Islam
were trying to twist the Quran
trying to write a Surah like Allah?s
they all failed miserably & many of them responded
Ashhadu -an la Ilaha Ilallah wa Ashhadu- anna Muhammadun rasullullah

Allah has challenged the humanity until the day of judgment
to produce a Sura or an Aya like the Quran
And Allah assures that they will never be able to make an Aya like it
The kufar plan and work to destroy this Deen
and Allah affirms that we too are planning
and if all the people of the world got together
they still could not and will never be able to
put even a scratch a side of a muster seeds
on the throne of almighty Allah (SWT)

After failing on the battlefield
they kufar got together and they decided to yield
they said we must change
the way the Muslims think
and sure enough the Muslim Ummah
began to sink

In 1917 john belford promised Palestine
to the jews
31 years later
his promise went through brittan and france
split the Muslim lands
3 years later
Islam worst traitor mustafa kamal
Brought the states fall

In 1920?s mustafah kammal with the help of the british becomes the hero
Hmm? well this so-called hero cancels the authority
of the most powerful system suitable for human beings
The khilafah!!!?
he abandon all the rulings of Allah?
he did not stop there?.
He banded the Adan in Arabic,
he denied Muslim sister from obeying Allah (SWT)
by abandoning the Hijab
All Islamic calendars and holidays were canceled
Yes brothers and sisters?
he changes the Arabic alphabet to Latin
By doing so he made sure the next generation
will be lost and have no connection to their Islamic roots
as they can not read or write all the Islamic culture that was recorded
This Islamic system sent by the Creator of alameen
went from the application in life
to be in museums for people to go and see in turkey

In 1924 Our state was demolished
Hundred years of planning
And their plans were accomplished
Kafirs broke our bond
Contaminated our knowledge
Better listen up because you won't learn this in college
Beginning of the end and the divisions began
Step by step they divided our lands
in 1921 saudi arabia & iran
next year egypt &
In 32 iraq

In 1945 jordan indonesia
Lebonen & syria Two years later
The division of India
the Muslims took a stand and demanded the ruling of Islam
so they gave them pakistan but it was only an illusion
a false resolution far from the solution
In 1948 The Jews establish their israeli state

In 1901 the kufar went to Sultan Abdull Hamid the II
and offered to pay tremendous amount of money
to the Islamic State for Palestine.
Sultan Abdull Hamid the II replied:
I am not going to give one inch of Palestine to the jews as Palestine is not mine give but it belongs to the Ummah and Ummah have shed blood to defend this land but if one day the Islamic State falls apart then you can have Palestine for free but as long as I am alive I would rather have my flesh be cut up then cut out Palestine from the Muslim land I will not allow any carving up while we are alive!!!!!

In 1960's somolia & nigaria
kuwait & algeria
In 1964
Came the PLO yasar arafat
The us scarecrow a great declined
In 1969
When the west was training
Muslims scholars for hire
Jews were setting
Al-Aqsa mosque on fire!

Let us recall 1970
For those who don't remember
That was the year
That we had black September
The king of jorden & yaser arafat
Began their plot
Shot after shot
Muslim blood spilled
As innocent Muslims were killed
Communism attacked but
Muslims fought back

The sincere Mujahideen of Afghanistan fought
and pushed back the Russians and then
They started to fight among themselves
Khomaine became in power
with the promise of ruling
and raising the Ummah to a level of dignity
But his promise never went through
soon after iran and iraq
went to war
And millions of innocent Muslims died
for 10 years Muslims killing Muslims
Over what!!!??? What else?!!!
the agenda of the west!!!
at the end there were no resolution
Today iran is very much open to democracy
and reformation
and the Muslims in iraq continue to suffer?.
where is the Amir of the Ummah??!!!!?..

Another decade gone
But we still don't have Islam
Take a look at the gulf
And the killings of sadam
Over million Muslims died
But no one answered their cries
In the 1990's
The Muslim genocide
Bosnia Kosovo Chechenya Dagistan

Bring back Islam! Bring back Islam! Bring back Islam! Bring back Islam!

It?s year 2000
And nothing has changed
Past generation has aged
Let us write the next page
It?s time for us to change
It?s up to you & me
Either we make history or we become history?

this song is really give me spirit.. reminding me that.. there r ppl out there that r suffering.. protecting Islam with their life.. n im here??? uhuhuuhuhuh astaghfirullah hal 'azim..:((

setelah sekian lame..

Assalamualaikum wrt...
uhuuhuhuhuhuuuhhu salamz every1.. how r u guys? uhuuhuhu i juz got back from surrey.. camping there.. join a prog.. carik ilmu.. uhuhuhuhuh.. actually i'm in pinch rite now.. uhhuhuhuh someone who r going to get married cant be thinking bout someone else rite?? how shold i realize that person.. i dont wanna hurt hus feeling.. wuts he doing is wrong.. saye bukn nk berlagak sbg penghukum..but :(( i really dont know wut to do..

yesterday.. for d first time.. our family had conference thru YM.. all of us were there except my younger bro which is studying in perak(i think so.:D) my second big bro is at home rte now.. he alreday finish his study n soon will step into world of adult(working la..) eheheheh saje nk buat bahase cam org dewase sket..:p so my mom n papa look very happy especially my mom.. in our siblings.. my mom n papa has each one of them their fav.. its not a good thing but the other dont feel any inferior.. mayb coz we realize or acknowledge their 'superiority'... uhuhuhuuh i wont say any further than that..

my bro is groing to get engaged this summer.. n my second bro is going to meet someone soon..but i dont know who..(really feel lonely.. coz dont know any detail..) saye ade rase terase gak la in dis case.. there was one time...when my younger bro(d one that studying in perak) met accident.. its long time ago.. but i dont know anything bout that.. n still now my parents thout dat i still dont know bout that.. he broke his legs.. spending in hospital for a few months.. i think dat 'balasan' Allah nk tunjuk kat dunia pd kitorg... n also for him.. coz he is the naughtiest among us.. he didnt like study.. smoking.. always poteng kelas.. n now i hope he insaf la.. uhuuhuhuuhh.. b4 i really like him.. coz he didnt talk back to me.. even now.. when my mom or me call home.. when i talk to him.. u know.. guys dont like talk or manje2 wit their older sis.. but he's cool.. he went to sekolah agame b4.. i forgot either sekolah agame kerajaan or kerajaan negeri.. uhuhuhuhu.. i dont know wut my parents wttitude toward him.. i hope they treat him like b4... kekurangan kasih syg la tu.. uhuhuhuh xpe.. saye ade.. i'll always root for u as long as u do good thing..:p

owh.. acteli i wanna tell bout my second bro.. uhuhu he juz finish his study in japan.. my parents match him wit a girl... but i dont know who.. i dont know wut will he do.. acteli.. among our siblings.. he is the first one who couple.. but he studied in sekolah agame kerajaan negeri.. uhuhuhu dier started couple when he was studying in mrsm kuala berang, terengganu.. uhuhuhuhu.. a few weeks ago.. my parents gave their consent for me to couple.. but they dont know i dont like..(well.. this is personal opinion.. dont take it to heart k..:D) i hope there's no one waiting for me(u knwo wut i mean..) i dont wanna be match to someone.. its not that i will fond someone.. but i hav my own reasons.. uhuhuuh

wokehla.. i think now saye dah kekeringan idea.. dah xtau nk tulih ape dah.. uhuhuhuhu
Allahumaghfirli waliukhti.. jzkk

ja-ne matane..