Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Angel's smile

When i look up, i see a gloomy, cloudy sky.
Today is another tiring uphill climb.

i get sick of it all..

But i just think of the girl that i love so much,
and i readjust the shoes that i've been walking on the heels of.

Her smile is a ray of light
that shines from in between the clouds
and warms up my entire heart.

She's my girl.

The angel's smile..

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Everything around u..

Assalamualaikum wrt..

i went to class 2day.. n on d way back i need to buy milk.. so lined up to draw some cash.. while waiting.. i looked around, watching ppl with their own business.. i turned to my left watching a guard(at the tesco door) thinking wut if that guy is a Muslim coz he really looks like one.. at the moment i wanted to turn my head to my right..a guy wit a baby walked pass me(in front of me..) can u imagine dat? well i kinda shocked at the moment.. but wut is more 'frightening' is.. he said salam to me.. waaaaaaaa.. n then he walked to tesco.. for the moment i cldnt take my eyes from tht guy.. wut the hell?? lepas kasi salam.. masuk tesco??
well mase dier kasi salam tu.. dier senyum sket.. hmmm sabar2.. *sigh* well mayb some ppl(esp Muslims) dont aware bout boikot.. n i dont like to be prejudice.. hmm.. saba2.. uhuhuh dat make me think.. tht out there.. there r ppl who 2day they r Muslim.. n 2morrow they arent.. kinda sad huh?
haa.. 2day i kinda realized that i'm the type of ppl that can control my sleepiness.. ? ahahahhaa.. ermm camni.. i sleep whenever i wanna sleep.. kalo ngantuk.. i wont fall asleep without i realize it.. n kalo x ngantuk.. saye bleh tido.. ahahhaha kagum x? i juz knew bout that this morning.. ahahahhahaa coz mase tu terlintas kat kepale.. camne org leh tersengguk2 kalo dgr ceramah or lectures or mende2 yg buhsan..
Allah SWT jadikan manusia berbagai2... thats y wars happen.. also it's the reason for loven happiness.. rite? hahahahha nape saye ckp cam tu? hmm cube bygkan kalo kite sume same jek.. mmg la war x kan jadi.. sbb sume org tau ape each of us wants and sbb tu love ade sbb kalo same jek.. maknenye kite akan love everyone la kan? ehehehehee.. (suke sgt ckp psl mende2 kene pk nie..) tpkan pnah terpk x.. kekdg dlm kepale kite.. mase kite 'ditimpe' bencane or dugaan or kesusahan or ape2 la yg misfortunes.. kite akan terpk nape laa org lain x paham kite.. nape la org lain x same ngan kite.. nape la org lain bleh berbangge ngan diri sendiri n pndg remeh kat kite.. n bla bla bla(go on la..pnjg lg list dier..:P) btol kan? well its time to ponder bout us as well.. k lahh.. see ya next time
uhibbukunna fillah wassalam (perasan x saye x gune perkataan jepun kali nie.. ermm biase nye gune..:D)

Monday, November 27, 2006

a bright sunshine will always be there after a big storm..

Assalamualaikum wrt..

after a few tiring days.. ermm woke up a bit late 2day..mayb qada' mlm semlm yg tido x cukup.. ahahaha kite selalu nk qada' something yg sbelum nie kite rase kite septtnye dpt tp x dpt.. ahahaahhahaa.. well that's manusia namenye kan..
kat bilek saye ade a few pokok..(ehehehh saye mmg suke pokok..mayb sbb parents saye suke sgt tanam pokok kot.. dah jd habit..) ade la satu pokok nie.. saye beli thn lepas mase autumn kat lidl.. xtau nape.. mmg diorg jual mase autumn jek.. saye selalu jenguk kat lidl nk tgk pokok ape yg dijual.. ehehhehee then kat waktu autumn.. daun sume luruh.. ape tah lagi bunge.. tp last nite i juz noticed that there's a small flower bud.. hmmm quite suprised plus a lil' bit happy and also undescrible feeling.. how will that small flower live in this coming winter.. hmm rasenye dah masuk winter dah coz sejukkkk giler..
sometimes i hav a feeling that i cant be like that small flower.. mayb my existence is juz like that flower.. but that flower, no matter wut it will continue living rite.. n some day it will blooms.. but wut will i become? i thought at the first place.. that flower will get influenced by the surrounding, juz like me.. baka da ne atashi.. talking bout this.. juz make me down.. ahahhahaa
ahh sejak kebelakangan nie saye asyik dok ckp psl mende2 sedey jek.. kalo x sedey psl mende x happy or mengarut.. (same jek kan.. eheh) wokehs la.. ermmm nk wish buat bebaik dlm test or exam pd sesape yg ade test or exam dlm mase terdekat nie.. juz remember that Allah will always be on our side as long as u're on His side.. k
see ya around bye wassalam

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Someone said..

Assalamualaikum wrt..
yo!(dgn gaye kak asyif..ahahaha) wut's up? genki kai? ermm xleh nk tido lagi.. tertibe terpop up kat fikiran bout something that has been said to me.. ermm dier ckp org yg percaye cinderella happy ever after.. after the story end adalah org yg x logical.. nape? sbb sbenarnye the real story began after that.. the real life of cinderella started after she got married.. coz b4 the marriage.. all the storyline was just a part of her life.. it was just an introduction.. kite xtau ape jd kat cinderella lepas tu kan? x sume bende kat dunie nie.. akan dpt happy ending..ever after.. even we do good thing.. even tho we are good ppl.. may prince tu ade affair..(sbb baru dpt tau perangai sbenar cinderella..:P) or diorg x dpt nk overcome the status barrier.. get real, man!!

satu lagi org tu kasi tau kat saye.. dier ckp camne nk overcome bad memory.. ahahaha yg tu saye malas nk cite sbb terlalu practical n terlalu theory.. ahahaha fenin2.. leks..leks.. wokeh la mata ne..


lalala~ bout love..

Assalamualaikum wrt..

ehehehee.. saye baru je abes tgk a few minutes of first episode cite love revolution.. memule dier ade intro la psl love.. heroin dier ckp love nie cam tunggu taxi yg x dtg2.. dier kate.. tunggu2 pastue x dtg2 la taxi tu.. bile kite nmpk pastue kene libas ngan org lain.. when we took a break.. bile kite pndg balik tertibe tgk org lain dpt taxi tu.. when we start to give up n go on wit our life.. byk la plak taxi dtg.. n xtau la plak nk pilih mne satu.. eehhehe

saye tulih mende nie sbb mende nie buat saye berpk.. ahahahahhaha well.. cite tu psl sorg doktor yg dah tua.. tp x kawen2 lagi.. ahahahahhaa a perfect lesson for certain ppl kan.. ahahahah lawak jek..

well mata ne

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Setelah sekian lame..

Assalamualaikum wrt..

yerpp... setelah sekian lame x update blog.. make saye pon ade la mase n mood saye pon mmg rase nk tulih blog..
these a few days ade something happened.. sampai penin n ( rase cam buang mase pk lame2 psl mende remeh camni..) for certain ppl.. mayb diorg akan pk mende tu remeh.. tp sbenarnye hal xleh pndg remeh.. some ppl cant live if they leave it unsettled.. pelik kan manusia? betape varying nye.. sampai altho sesame jenis tp kite x semestinye paham sejenis kite tu.. sedey kan? tp tu la hukum alam.. bak kate sunnatullah.. eh pnjg le plak lecture saye..
that thing is.. frenship.. ahahhaha remeh kan? iskk..iskk.. as i said b4.. mende nie buknnye seremeh yg kite mayb assumed remeh selame ni.. sbelum nih saye slalu pk frenship nie remeh jek.. i mean we need less hours to maintain such relationship compared to other relationship.. bukannye saye nk kate frenship nih mende small matter..
kawan nie kekdg akan misunderstood kite.. kekdg aka terase ngan kite.. we hav to explain every lil' thing ngan diorg so that kite leh jage hati diorg.. tp certain ppl yg pndg frenship nih.. (relationship yg doesnt involve give n take) <-- this is juz my opinion.. as mende remeh.. diorg 'xdek mase' nk jage hati kite.. i mean when we misunderstood diorg.. they juz leave it as it is.. bile kite terase ngan diorg.. they dont hav time to care.. when we start acting cold.. they blame us.. huh.. *sigh*
kat sini saye bukn nak ckp psl fair n square.. tak... cam saye kate td.. saye pk frenship ni buknnye relationship yg involve give n take... org yg pndg remeh frneship nih.. adalah org yg x menghargai frenship tu.. i believe u guys heard this saying..(ermm xtau la saye dgr or bace kat mane..) "if u dont care bout something, someday it will leaves u".. cnth nye duit.. if dont care, lelame byk membazir.. miskin la kite.. kalo kite ade kanojo/kareshi(gf/bf) kalo kite x care pd diorg.. mmg x berthn la.. even to our God.. if we dont care to Him.. someday He will leaves u.. n if u reach to that point.. there's no turning back..
wokeh la.. dah cukup pnjg for the first update after so long.. ahahhah sori le.. hal2 mcm nie.. ngadu kat sini.. n saye tau saye jrg cite hal sbenarnye.. instead saye terus jek ckp ape yg saye rase/ impression to my life... aahhahaha sure fenin2... wokeh la.. c ya next entry.. mata ne~