Thursday, July 21, 2005

Nk jd gile dah kepla otak nii

Juz finish watch anime inuyasha.. altho I hav dis anime but its kind of too long for me to finish it in a few days.. altho the anime already met the ending but the manga still go on.. I’m kind of ‘excited’ wit the ending..altho their enemy still hasn’t been defeated.. at the ending.. they showed dat inuyasha needs kagome.. ahahahhah best2.. coz kagome likes inuyasha.. inuyasha laso likes kagome but at first bcoz kagome looks like his first love, kikyou.. but their personality very different.. the ending, inuyasha is almost at the end of hid life.. almost goes berserk.. but when kagome hugs him.. he comes around.. then I feel kind of ‘relief’.. huh.. I heard someone said.. behind a guy’s victory, there’s woman support.. ehehehhe same la kan.. :p well.. too excited wanna talk bout dis.. tertempis air atas meja tadi.. tumpah air tu.. dah la air Nescafe.. uhuhuh habes bau Nescafe satu bilik ni ha.. L waaaa now feel boring coz don’t know wut to watch.. tomorrow got to go to comp cluster to transfer money from saving to student acc.. isk.. leceh tul la.. dats all.. ma ta ne..

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