Sunday, May 28, 2006

i'm hurt~

Assalamualaikum wrt..

ari ni.. kali ni saye akan cite nape n ape jd.. kalo sbelum ni.. saye x kan share kalo saye ade prob.. tp kali saye dah x thn.. but one thing.. plz dont ask me bout this.. i mean.. plz dont remind me bout this.. in 2 or 3 days later.. i'll probably will forget bout this.. i'm like this..

saye antor email kat mcot.. niat saye.. saye nk fire org yg still beli brg yahudi.. tp in d same time.. xnk derma utk palestine.. (mungkin terpengaruh ngan hafizbarnye blog kot..) kalo nk tau ape yg saye tulih.. bukak la mcot nye website.. saye cumenk tlg promote mende tu.. tp ade org kate saye marah2.. buatkan org makin x nk beli.. kalo x nk beli.. sudah.. thats fine wit me.. tp care tu dah salah.. mcm la salahkan org minum arak.. kebun anggur yg kene bakar.. (btol ke analogy tu?) bile saye ade prob.. kekdg saye nangis.. (kalo korg prasan.. saye x pnah nangis depan org lain..) tp kali nih sampai saye xleh nangis.. coz i'm hurt... i;m hurt sooo much.. y? coz it'll affect other thing.. i really regret it.. soo much.. soo much that i cant talk bout this after this..

salah ke saye gune tande seru? lemah sgt ke org melayu sampai effect tande seru tu kuat sgt.. saye sdg tulih nih sambil terpsg lagu sedih.. kalo sblm ni saye jd sedih sbb lagu tu.. tp skrg ni saye rase lagu nih lgsg x sedih.. btol la.. Allah akan duge kite part yg kite care soo much.. i feel so bad.. i dont wanna go thru this thing.. but i remember one thing someone told me.. nih la salah satu care Allah nk jdkan kite 'kuat'..

serius.. saye x kuat.. saye lemah.. saye x nangis sbb i'm too weak.. i'm too weak to cry.. org ckp setiap org ade kelemahan n kuatnye.. tp ade ke org nk ngaku lemah dier? rite now i feel so sad coz.. i'm hurt so much.. ya Allah kuatkan la hatiku.. plz make it strong to face this terrible thing..

owh at last.. ngalir gak air mate saye.. mesti korg igt ape la saye.. x memerlukan comfort org lain... coz ppl u tend to hurt.. r ppl around u.. thnx for listening.. n thnx coz always b there for me.. kekdg saye lemas.. tp sbb saye kene teruskan idop... i'm pretending to b ok.. pathetic kan saye ni? patheticnye saye ni sampai saye rase kalo saye xdek la into sgt dlm mende ni.. everything will b ok.. T-T

jzkm n wassalam..

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

something written on ur face~

Assalamualaikum wrt..

bz wit exam n study.. so juz something i got from someone..

happiness is not something that follows u around.. also is not something u can win over a fight.. but happiness is always beside u.. u juz dont realise it.. we cant see our own happiness.. coz it's always near us.. that's y we need someone to show it to us.. show where is exactly the hapiness that always hiding behind our own shadow.. that's y u need to appreciate her/him.. it's not something that u found everyday, everywhere..

(isk..isk..isk..ipk.. sejak bile sheila jd jiwang cam ni nih..) ehehehhe well specially dedicated to 'someone'(someone who already found their sweetheart..keskeskes..)


Saturday, May 20, 2006

some sentences for u~

Assalamualaikum wrt..

i copy n paste this from jdorama.. titled dragon zakura.. really hav deep meaning!!

"You'll continue to lose all your life."

"Come down here ! We'll kill you !"

"Teachers are teachers and students are students. Hear to what people are saying until the end !!! You won't beat me to death ! I mean "lose" by the fact that you will be cheated.
If you continue like that, all your life, you will be cheated."

"We will be cheated ? Why ? By who?"

"Our society has rules. You must follow these rules and all these rules are written by intelligent people. And what does it mean ?
These rules are written by the most intelligent people and they make use of them. Since stupid people aren't able to understand these rules, they will be hidden things.
These rules will continue to serve these intelligent people. For example, taxes, salaries, insurances, allocations.. all these intelligent people will continue to make them incomprehensible.
And stupid people will only have to try to understand their meaning. You all think that thinking is bothering. So, all your life, you'll be cheated and you'll pay a lot ! Let's admit it..."

"But it can't be helped !"

"Intelligent people will take benefit of this situation, and stupid people will be cheated and lose. That's how our society works. So, if you don't want to be cheated, if you don't want to lose, study !"

n after a few conversations after that.. there're a few sentences that i like.. (note: Todai univ is one of the top univs in Japan.. ermm juz like cambridge la..perbandingan jek ek..;p)

"What do want with "Todai" ? It's enough with "Todai"."

"Do you hate Todai ?"

"Yeah, like everybody else here."

"Me too."


"Those who are in admiration in front of the word "Todai" make me cast. Those who think there will be success, just because they entered Todai, those who feel small when they learn the guy who is in front of them is from Todai are meaningless."

"So, why do you tell us to go to Todai ?"

ahhhh... the conversations r too long.. toooooo lazy to copy n paste all those sentences.. eheheheh well i like the conv above coz.. i find the attitude is very brave.. very a few ppl like this.. if u hate something but u hav to overcome it.. most of us will find any other way to face it.. but this minority ppl face it directly.. well i agree that it's the most fastest way.. but do we hav the gut to face it directly? hmm.. juz wondering lorr.. wassalam

Friday, May 19, 2006

we r pathetic~

assalamualaikum wrt

time exist bcoz there's ending to it

we got sick bcoz we hav body

we live bcoz we'll die someday

we lie bcoz we'll b discovered

we do bad things bcoz we'll b punished

we do good deeds bcoz we'll b awarded

we happy bcoz we exist

we sad bcoz we r pathetic

sometimes we dont realize that we r running away from our probs n troubles.. facing them will make we lose something.. so y? coz we also will gain something..

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

someone special

Assalamualaikum wrt..

kali nih tukar style lak ek.. ehehehehee.. tulih dlm bahase melayu lak.. (bior pon tajuk dlm bahase english.. keskeskes..) ermmm ckp psl someone special nih.. tertibe saye terigt.. kate2 someone nih.. serious saye x igt sape.. ehehehehee dier kate kite selalu nk pose sebaik mungkin depan kite nye someone special tu.. selalu nk get the best impression.. selalu nk kasi mende terbaik..

setgh org kate mende tu x elok.. sbb cam hypocrite.. kite bleh ke jd hypocrite? ermm mayb korg x bape stuju gune perkataan tu.. berlakon la kite kate.. korg akan berlakon ke depan si die? ermm mayb berlakon pon exergerate gak.. ermm camni2.. cnth nye la care korg ckp antare kwn.. kalo lain2 kwn korg layan same ke? kalo korg comfortable ngan someone tu.. korg akan layan same ngan org yg korg baru jumpe ke? mayb some of us will say that they treat ppl equally.. (isk kate nk tukar style..keskeskes..) tp kalo tanye saye.. saye akan jwb naturally org mmg hypocrite.. mayb ade a few la yg x.. tp most of us yess.. termasuk la saye..

i cant treat ppl equally.. kekdg saye x brape nk layan certain ppl tp kekdg saye layan diorg gak.. so kekdg saye rase saye mmg sgt jahat ar.. sgt hypocrite n sgt selfish.. owh jauh nye melencong dr mende sbenar saye nk ckp keskeskes..

kekdg saye pk tau.. nape kite x leh jd diri kite yg sbenarnye depan 'org tu'? sbb kite takut org tu tau mende x elok psl diri kite? nnt last2 dier akan tau gak.. nnt dier x suke kite? bukn sume org perfect.. xkan la kite nk adjust diri kite so that kite sesuai ngan dier? tp we cant avoid that rite?

wokeh la.. cukup la saye membebel kali nih keskeskes..wassalam mata ne

Monday, May 15, 2006


Assalamualaikum wrt..
i got this from email yg lan social forward kat mcot yahoo group.. uhuhuuhuuh.. i heard these Qs b4.. but forgot bout this.. ehehehhe.. ape yg paling menusuk ke hati saye(chewah ayat bunge2 cam inayah n ain..:p) adalah the first 2 Qs.. ehehehee

# Apa yang paling dekat dengan kita di dunia?
# Apa yang paling jauh dari kita di dunia?
# Apa yang paling besar di dunia?
# Apa yang paling berat di dunia?
# Apa yang paling ringan di dunia?
# Apa yang paling tajam di dunia?

Pada suatu hari,Imam Al-Ghazali berkumpul dengan murid-muridnya,lalu Imam Al-Ghazali bertanya;pertama:"Apa yang paling dekat dengan kita di dunia?" Murid-muridnya menjawab,"Orang tua,guru,kawan dan sahabatnya".Imam Al-Ghazali menjelaskan semua jawapan itu benar. Tetapi yang paling dekat dengan kita adalah MATI!!! Sebab itu sememangnya janji Allah SWT bahawa setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan mati.(Al-Imran:85)

Lalu Imam Al-Ghazali meneruskan pertanyaan yang kedua."Apa yang paling jauh dari kita di dunia?" Murid-muridnya menjawab,"Negara China,bulan,matahari dan bintang-bintang".Lalu Imam Al-Ghazali menjelaskan bahawa semua jawapan yang mereka berikan adalah benar.Tapi yang paling benar adalah MASA LALU.Walau dengan apacara sekali pun kita tidak dapat kembali ke masa lalu.Oleh sebab itu,kita harus menjaga hari ini dan hari-hari yang akan datang dengan perbuatan yang sesuai dengan ajaran Islam.

Lalu Imam Al-Ghazali meneruskan dengan pertanyaan yang ketiga."Apa yang paling besar di dunia ini?". Murid-murinya menjawab,"Gunung, bumi dan matahari"."Semua jawapan itu benar",kata Imam Al-Ghazali.Tapi yang paling besar daripada apa yang ada di dunia ini adalah NAFSU (Al-A'araf:179).Maka kita harus berhati-hati dengan nafsu kita,jangan sampai nafsu membawa kita ke neraka.

Pertanyaan keempat adalah,"Apa yang paling berat di dunia ini?".Ada yang menjawab,"Besi dan Gajah"."Semua jawapan adalah benar",kata Imam Al-Ghazali.Tapi yang paling tepat adalah MEMEGANG AMANAH (Al-Ahzab:72).Tumbuh-tumbuhan,binatang,gunung dan malaikat semua tidak mampu ketika Allah meminta mereka untuk menjadi khalifah(pemimpin di dunia ini).Tetapi manusia dengan sombongnya menyanggupi permintaan Allah SWT,sehungga banyak daripada manusia masuk ke neraka kerana tidak dapat memegang amanahnya. Pertanyaan yang kelima adalah ,"Apa yang paling ringan di dunia ini?". Murid-muridnya menjawab,"Kapas,angin,debu,dan daun-daunan"."Semua itu benar",kata Imam Al-Ghazali.Tapi yang paling ringan di dunia ini adalah MENINGGALKAN SOLAT. Gara-gara pekerjaan,kita meninggalkan solat.Gara-gara bermesyuarat,kita meninggalkan solat.

Dan pertanyaan keenam ialah,"Apa yang paling tajam di dunia ini?".Murid-muridnya menjawab dengan serentak,"Pedang"."Benar",kata Imam Al-Ghazali.Tapi yamg paling tajam adalah LIDAH MANUSIA - kerana melalui lidah,manusia selalunya menyakiti hati dan perasaan saudaranya sendiri.

bengang x bertempat~~

Assalamualaikum wrt~

u gusy must b pelik.. hairan b ajaib.. uhuhuhuuhuuhuu ape la berlaku kat sheila ni ek.. keskeskes.. well i juz read d latest entry from hafizbar's blog.. (i dont wanna link the blog from mine coz i dont know him.. dat's not my style!! kukukukukukukuu..) hmm he wrote bout he met a few ppl that juz diverted to Islam.. n how ppl around them dont 'take a good care' of them.. kuang3x.. ape yg saye rase berasap n bengang.. n rase bengang dier tu x bertempat is.. coz he despised n ejek ppl who got upset bout Rasulullah's cartoon.. uhuhuhuuhuhuu.. ppl like him that i despised most.. y? coz kite kene la ade rase sensitive toward our religion's issue.. uhuhuhuuh if he's sooooo cooooooool bout the cartoon but upset bout girlz who like cute stuff.. he's not a real man.. i reallyyyyyyy hate that kind of guy..

one more thing that make me x leh rase usnuzon toward that guy.. he said that he stay cool when the issue came up.. n 'sit' calmly as that issue got nothing to do wit him.. cess... ahhh.. malas dah nk kesah psl dis guy.. juz waste my time to care bout him.. i dont care if he despised n mocked girlz like his previous entry.. i dont feel anything coz he's not a girl.. but if he feel so cool toward the cartoon issue.. i feel like my blood fill up my head.. y? coz he's a muslim.. ahh buang karan jek tulih psl that kind of guy..

huh.. woii study la!!! asyik dok bace blog jek.. dah abes study ke? keskeskes.. jgn amik ati... (juz remind kalo terase.. x jamin..kuang3x) ja ne.. mata ne

i lub u fillah..wassalam

Saturday, May 13, 2006

ppl are subjective~

Assalamualaikum wrt~~

some ppl come to me(ermm either personally or virtually.. kuang3x) n asking me whether i'm ok or not.. hmm well.. Our Greatest Lord made human wit various personality.. n i know this is my personality.. i've nvr cry in front of someone else b4..(as long as i can remember~u know that.. i 'lost' my memories from 2 yrs ago.. eheheh.. the reason y i cant cry in front the i'm not a person who let my feeling out for nothing.. well~ for nothing tu bunyik cam x btol lak.. saye jenis yg simpan jek my prob n feeling.. dont know y.. but that's my personality..

i know that mayb some ppl might find this unthinkable..but i cant trust other ppl easily.. wut i mean is.. i cant trust mt feeling to other ppl.. ( sesape jgn take heart ngan ayat saye ek.. ) i've think bout this b4.. ere in dis world.. mayb some ppl take this for granted.. but we ere.. is about surviving among other ppl.. ppl might take this easy.. but it's hard task to do.. we live among our frens.. some ppl live by adjusting to the surrounding.. including to the personalities of their frens.. some other ppl arent like that.. i'm not in the rite place to judge this is right.. that is wrong... but i juz cant stand ppl who trying to adjust other ppl to synchronize to their compability..

any ppl cant live wit others who they arent comfortable to be wit.. but it's not our place to shape how the other's life.. uhuhuhuuhuhuu.. (penat saye pk how to express in words..) that's y i said that survival skill is very important.. but till now we live happily without paying attention to that.. paying attention to the fact that we r taking things for granted.. including our surrounding..

i think i wanna say something else.. but how come melencong sgt nih.. i've always avoid myself t talk bout this.. uhuhuhuhuuh xpe la.. ermm a moment ago.. this analogy popped up in my head..

kite hidop nih.. ibarat belayar.. it's depends on us how n where to.. but there's always wind to b our guide.. but there're also obstacles like storm.. but sometimes.. we might realize that we r heading to wrong direction.. so we r trying to turn back so that we can follow the rite track.. but its that easy.. plus.. we r alone on our boat.. mayb ade mende lain tlg kite.. cam current laut.. tp ngan dugaan plus.. a lot of efforts are needed to turn back.. *sigh*


Thursday, May 11, 2006

comel giler kan~~ ehehehehee..suke giler gambar nih!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

plzzz ignore this entry...

Assalamualaikum wrt..


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggggg gggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....
rite now really dont feel good.. dont know y.. someone said it's PMS but i know it's not(cam kak mum tulih we cant take it as an excuse) or mayb.. but i feel really depressed rite now.. juz for no reason.. tears came out.. n still come out rite now..

saye sengaje bukak lagu rock2.. supaye xdek lagu influence wut i feel rite now.. i juz dont feel rite.. i read somewhere.. kalo rase something dont feel rite.. or feel guilty.. tuh tande nye kite ade buat dose.. yessssss... mmg skrg saye baut byk sgt dose... tp kenape la saye xreti2 nk berenti n insaf????????????????????? nk tungggu ade balasan ke? nk tunggu sume bende x leh nk turn back ke??? every moment i spent.. i cant take it back.. n sume bende tu jd history.. we cant change history...

something is not rite!!!! who read dis.. plz dont ask me anything.. i'll respect u for that.. skrg nih saye rase hati saye nih.. cam kene ikat.. x tng.. ermm kene ikat tu analogy yg silap.. rase cam kene cucuk.. rase cam hati nih kene tarik2.. kenape?

nih tande org buat dose kan? saye kene taubat.. smyg byk2.. doa byk2.. but still.. it wont go away... feel like something is missing.. feel like i havnt complete something.. saye masih mencari2.. ape yg saye nak.. ape yg saye perlu.. saye dah buat ape yg ptt.. do i wanna lead my life this way? ni ke jln yg saye pilih?

Oh God.. plz forgive me.. plz forgive this little bad one..

longing for somethings..

Assalamualaikum wrt..

thnx to ppl who dont ask anything bout previous entry.. well i really need that ignorance.. ehehehehehe.. pelik kan? well.. saye mmg cam tu.. i dont want other ppl be bothered by my prob.. except the prob also affects others.. eheheheh peace brother!! eh.. peace sister!!(pelik lak bunyik nye..)

i've once told my frens(i remember 3 kot..:p) that humans all selfish.. wutever u deny it.. or how u're going to deny it.. plz read it to the end.. ehehehehehee.. (ade ke org bace ayat saye kat atas pastue terus x nk bace dah?..sukati ar) it happens to us.. no exceptional.. once there's ustazah who said that.. "ape kite nk kat dunie nih?.. kite nk bahagie.. kite nk idop sng.." well.. that's selfish.. i think selfish is we want something for ourselves..

ye la.. same la ngan org ckp.. kubur lain2.. or tempias kubur sbelah kene kat kite.. those all prove that we are selfish.. we be good to frens.. bcoz Allah suruh.. that's selfish.. coz we wanna be good side of Allah.. n including all we did n do.. we do good deeds.. coz we wanna be blessed.. we dont wanna do evil things bcoz we know we'll get the punishment sooner or later..

but sometimes ppl misunderstood this.. they thout they arent selfish..(we are selchicken..keskeskes..) y? coz they said that.. they did or do all those things with the other ppl in their mind.. no one is like that.. a person isnt selfish if he/she can gives up his/her life bcoz of someone else.. n i'll say that that person is crazy.. for someone who syahid.. they are also selfish.. coz they know they will get reward by doing so.. n they didnt do it bcoz of someone.. but bcoz of Islam..

well.. it's not that i'm convincing u guys to follow wut i believe.. but juz wanna throw out wut's on my mind..(bukn ke tu sbb org tulis blog? ke ade org tulis blog sbb nk makan? keskeskes.. ) ape2 pon kite kene amik dr al-Quran n Sunnah.. other's opinion.. u can reject it.. lenguh dah menaip.. wassalam..

Monday, May 08, 2006

suke giler gambar nih.. sbb tertangkap burung terbang.. keskeskes..

my bad...

Assalamualaikum wrt...

first of all.. i wanna say.. wutever i'm going to write ere.. should be kept to urself.. no Q.. dont spread it.. juz b natural k.. ehehehehhehe.. peace brother!!

i hate it when ppl expect me to be considerate to others.. while they're not..

i hate it when ppl ask me to keep secret.. while they're not..

i hate it when ppl ask me to be honest.. altho they're lying to themselves..

i hate it when ppl say they r humble.. while bragging bout themselves..

i hate it when ppl say we should be nice to the others.. while...(i juz cant bring myself to say that..uhuhuhuhu)

i think u already got the picture how i feel rite now.. i'm mad to someone.. cant tell u who.. b4 i always think how's an angry ppl feel.. n i always think bout how to calm down when i'm angry.. but when i become like that.. all things/methods that i can think about.. seems dont work.. uuhuhuhuhuhhuhu..

when someone ask u to do something.. plz say it clearly.. n dont add something that u dont usually do..ermm.. how should i explain it.. it's like.. when someone who cant keep secret..ask someone to keep a secret.. uhuhuhuuhu.. aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.. cant get the rite mood to write something..:((

i'll write more next time.. c yaa..wassalam.. i lub u fillah

Friday, May 05, 2006

my review for a drama..

assalamualaikum wrt..

how r u guys? hope we r in kebestan iman.. ehehehhehe.. ermmm i found(not actually found but accidentally watched the first eps then.. keep going on..:D) a good drama.. well it's from korea.. ermm it's different from the other dramas.. coz first it's 52 eps.. ahahhaha byk giler kan.. kalo buat siri drama kat mesia.. about 4 bulan tu dok tyg cite tu jek.. it's about a very strong-willed girl.. survives as an orphan.. (well she's been adopted by a family..) it says that this is based on a true story.. where the girl was the first physician woman at that time..

in the drama.. makes me thinks that.. sometimes kindness can kill.. (b4 we only hear that curiosity can kills cat..) i dont know if we can apply that ere in our life.. kak asyif n am told me b4.. that in our world.. berhati-hati is a great deal.. there's a big gap btw to be careful n fear.. in doing somthing we're being b careful in preventing something bad.. but there're ppl who dont do it bcoz of fear.. uhuuhuuhuh.. we r not robot.. or dog.. doing something under anyone's command.. but Allah's only.. but He gave us nafsu.. let us decide by ourselves..

b4.. i always keep wondering.. y those good ppl(who r kafir..) or muslims who 'menyimpang'.. dont realize our responsibility.. n wut r the rite things.. n wut r the bad things.. but Allah says in His Kalam.. that to those ppl.. Allah put hijab in front of their eyes.. cover their ears.. the ayaat make me realize no one can give the permission for us to do anything even to lift our finger during tahiyyat.. but Allah s.w.t.. mende kecik cam tu pon Allah yg decide.. ape tah lagi mende jahat lain yg kite buat?? astaghfirullah hal 'azim..

i dont know how my drama review leh sampai cam ni skali.. xpe2.. well if u wanna something to watch.. i recommend this drama.. zaman i lub u.. u lub me.. dah lepas.. (skrg nih tgk cite org matured lak..)

i dont hav older sister.. i've been in hostel since form 4.. so i've survived so far.. by watching the others.. watching other older sisters.. watching frens.. learning from them.. ermm mayb u can say i've been influenced by surrounding all the way till 2day.. somethings that i cant find among them.. sometimes i found thru anime, manga, dramas, movies.. so when(if laa..) someone tell me to give up those things.. i find it very hard.. n for me now.. i cant.. so plz dont say directly to me.. to give up those things.. mayb i can do it one by one.. (kalo sekali gus.. same la ngan culture shock..:p)

dah nk masuk maghrib.. that's all for now.. (adeii sakit perut lak!!! makan nasik lemak sape ntah masak td..uhuhuuhuhu) i lub u fillah :x wassalam

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

me and myself..

Assalamualaikum wrt..

i got this sentences from one of my frens.. but really touches me!! she aims those sentences to herself but.. uhuhuhuuhuhhuu..

dah ikut usrah ke hulu ke hilir pun, balik-balik duk sibuk buang masa, gelak ketawa tak ingat dunia, cakap dan tengok dan buat benda lagha bukan sekali-sekala. dah bedah buku muntalaq tapi perangai dah ada sikit-sikit macam da'ie ke? tak berani nak kata. orang macam saya ni ke nak tegakkan Islam? Quran berapa kali sehari saya buka dan baca dan cuba faham? ke berapa hari sekali? pakai pakaian lawa-lawa sebab imej Islam ke sebab memang nak melawa? ilmu dah banyak mana? insaf, insaf konon, pastu esok lusa buat lagi. da'ie? da'ie?? da'ie??? boleh la nak gelakkan diri sendiri. masih bergelumang dengan jahiliyah, nak jadi da'ie. jahiliyah macam chewing gum lekat kat kaki sendiri tak buang-buang lagi. buang karan naqib, naqibah je ada la kalau ilmu yang dicurah tak sampai ke hati.

muliakah hidupku ini?

i know that.. changing is not a very easy thing.. yet i say those words.. say that i wanna change.. but deep inside..i dont know whether i really change or juz me that hiding behind my own words... ppl around me may say that i'm different from b4.. yeah!! *smirk* it's not my place to judge whether i've change.. nor ppl around me..

also i dont wanna being hypocrite.. nor a survival among croc n tiger.. nor juz escapisme(is this a rite spell?)when i look back to wut i've done.. soo many things that i did.. but give a very little effect to the others.. then u may say that.. i've done wut i can.. but do we know wut's our limit? can we see the limit like we see our exam result? this is not an exam like our univ give us..

*hati tgh sakit skrg.. so xleh tulih lebih2.. kang ade korg dgr salah sorg kwn korg dimasukkan ke hospital sakit jiwe lak.. ehehehhehehe c ya.. wassalam