Monday, March 05, 2007

hoho~ PDC 2

assalamualaikum wrt..

alhamdulillah.. i dont know bout other ppl but for me.. the prog is a success.. altho i'm really tired rite now n going to in deep sleep after this.. but iA another step for me.. ya Allah plz show me the right path and guide me.. without U i'm nobody..
i'm still learning.. my emaan is still rather small.. ermm i dont think it can be measured.. huhu i always practice wut i believe.. strongly believe.. i believe that i hav to give the others wut i love most.. i've been trying to do that... ade satu cerite
as i hav to handle the lost n found department.. i dont hav time to grab some food served.. i noticed that there're some left.. huhu.. i asked around that if there's anyone that stillhavnt eat their lunch.. n there's none.. huhu i'm willing to give them mine if the food is still not enuf.. its only natural when it's under ur nose rite? huhu.. but after a while.. the food is gone.. then when i looked around i saw a few of my frenz were eating the food.. so i felt a bit guilty coz they hav to eat so late at that time.. i asked them.. but they said that they ate already.. that's their second round.. huhu so i said to them that i still havnt eat anything.. but somewhere in my heart.. i felt a bit disappointment.. huhu i hate that feeling.. i said that i 'm willing to give wut i love to others.. but it's juz food..:(( i know that my emaan is still baby.. and i hope it's growing.. huhu
wokehs la.. hav to do something.. jazakumullahu khairan to all yg bertungkus lumus n bersama2 saye/kami menjayekan prog ini..
wassalam wrt..


Anonymous said...

hoho..go go mas'ulah GK.. dpt mkn best balik td? =P
ok la kn...tape..ummu mujahid msk lagi sedap...

Anonymous said...

Terasa plak sy ialah salah sorang yg dimaksudkan 'eating for second round' tu..uwaaaaaaaaaaa....kami mkn tu sbb tk nak membazirrr...ingatkan sumer dh makan,nnti kang tkde org nk habiskan,buang gitu je...mana lah tahu mas'ulah tk makan lagi,dh sound sumer org sape tk makan lagi,tkde sape yg jwb...~sedeynyer...~ :((

Nursheila Zainal Abidin said...

salam.. hukhuk.. saye x kesah psl org lain makan.. xpe org yg makan tu mayb still lapar.. tp yg saye keciwe tu pd diri saye sendiri.. keciwe sbb still ade kejahilan n selfishness dl diri saye altho saye dah ebrazam saye nk hapuskan perasaan itu.. ape pun jzkk =))