Monday, June 25, 2007

it's too late

Assalamualaikum wrt..

Someone will ask u this one day.. "will u ever satisfied with something?" my answer will be "..nope" y i say that? because human will never satisfied in wutever they do as long as they found something in it. I discovered this a few minutes ago. When u're doing something, n u know it's wrong but u just cant stop, then by the time u realized it-- it'll be too late. I also discovered this a few minutes ago.
Let me share something-- i'd never satisfied with something except for the things that i'd really interested in. I also get bored of something easily. People will ask u " y bothered doing it in the first place?" then my answer will be "... 'coz i'm searching for satisfaction" huh? "..but u said u'd never get satisfied" --- "..that's y i said it'll be too late" but sometimes i seem to forget that. Still i search for the satisfaction. If i never found it in something, i'll give up easily. Foolish, doesn't it?
People don't care about wut's right n wut's wrong. They just care about wut people will say bout their act. For example, people said that u should attend ur class. But people dont care wut u do in ur class as long as u attend the class. It's just the same as u dont attend the class. People just do it because the society say that u should do it. People always said that we should learn history so that the same thing wont happen again, but we'll never learn that's y the same thing's keep repeating.

--ah.. ape yg saye membebel pagi2 nie.. hukhuk (setelah tersedar dari main game for about an hour) hukhuk..

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