indeed, i really love my frens.
i'm really an idiot. crying alone. despise the world. didn't realize that i have this many frens that care for me.
thank you (^x^) hugs n kisses for u guys.
i was depressed last few days and miraclely (i will call this, a miracle =D ) after read few comments left for me, i laughed with all my heart. yes, a miracle. i think, privating this blog is a really bad idea. i should know that i have my frens supporting me. i just didn't see them. because they are always there for me.
whoossshhhh~! (bunyik buang semua bad bad sad worry morry things)
slluuurrrppppp~! (bunyik sedut heppi merri gooo lakiii thingiii)
n for the purpose of this entry.
ehem. ehem.
thank you so much for believing in me, when i myself can't face the world. i will never forget this moment, when there are people always take care for me. whenever i feel i'm at the bottom of hell (just analogy), i'll remember this moment.
i know word 'thanks' will never get to the same level as what u guys did to me, but i will do the same if u guys need someone. (except for anynomous, i don't know who u are, so if u need someone, juz let me know.. V(^_^).. )
tenkiu~! hugz n kisses~! fuuuu... fuuu... fuuuu..~! (bunyik flying hugz n kisses g kat sume org. hehe)
yes final ko beg to normal!
meh kite buang yg keruh amik yg jernih. jgn sedih sgt kalau GG dah takde kat GM. krkrkrkr..
up name GG Lagik tu pujuk ko..
aku x sabar mau kelik JB n trg..
aku homesick -_-"
gg? :-" gm dah gelong hahahhaah
oit akira. saje nk menjeleskan org psl ko balik kmpg. huhu
nk mkn durian~!
kat ganu ada durian byk ke?
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