Tuesday, February 24, 2009

boys vs girls

through a day, i listened to radio fly fm.. well, not thru streaming (my opismates hate streaming but.. :p) d songs in fly fm are really suited me well.. because there are old but evergreen songs and also new songs..

for the evening topic, they chose something that i really rarely thought that a guy would do.. that is, a high heel race(game).. ahahhahaa.. there are 2 dj, a guy and a girl (i didnt take note about their names ahahhaa) the girl complained about everyday is a hard day because of high heel but still wearing it everyday..

so, that guy said that why women always do things that they will complain about them later on.. the so-called arguement go on then it is decided that the guy will wear high heel to go to the studio 2morrow.. ahhahahhahaa

ahahahha :P



sungguh tak senonoh entri ko yg ni.. hahahhaa..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

anarm - xsnonoh? ape lak.. :-"

bintang comel - hihi :"> ahaks

katak© said...

memang pun.. pompuan beli barang.. pastu nnti komplen barang tu balik.. sbb tu brng2 pompuan kebykkn pki.. sebulan sekali.. hahahahha

Word Verification : squistie

army4war said...

nafsu perempuan - 9

nafsu lelaki - 1
