Thursday, August 06, 2009

bila dia..

salam ^_^

rasa sgt xadil. haha sape kate idop ni adil? Allah itu Maha Adil tapi manusia yg menyebabkan dunia ni xadil. so result = dunia ni xadil (mentang2 la baru tulih script)
nape aku tertibe ckp mcm tu?

ehem ehem.

aku xtau la aku ni termasuk dlm kategori pengecut or ape (well, sape yg kate org lain pengecut tu sbenarnye dier rasa dier brani bak besi berani. cetpoodah) hihi. sbb bile one of mai fren in bad mood or 'dangerous' mood. aku takot nk dekat.
hmm. i'm not good in handling or comforting other ppl. kalo someone tgh bad mood dpn aku, aku hnye bulih kate "sabar.. sabar.." well, it's kind of not fair. coz telling other ppl "sabar.. sabar.." make that person looks like he/she is not being patience. it's d same as telling other ppl to work hard while org tu mmg tgh kerja kuat dah. sian org tu.

so i'm speechless. nk g nasihat indah2. aku nih bkn reti sgt psl hidop yg xadil ni. bkn pakar. pengalaman stakat xsampai 3 dekad ni cam rase x cukup je. tp tu lah yg Allah bagi kat aku.

bile tgk kengkwn ngan bad mood ke ape, rase jari ni tergerak2. hati rase x aman. bile buat kerja, sikit2 masuk kosentrasi, rase bersalah kat kwn tadi. sian dier. nk tegur, ape nk ckp? huhu. tp kengkdg bile mai frens in trouble, n they didnt tell me. terase la plak. huhu trouble sungguh. [-(
hidop ni subjective. xsemestinye kite kene ikut haluan org yg sudah berjaye untuk kite capai kejayaan yg same. sume org unique kat dunie ni. but when everyone is trying to b unique, thats why it seems normal. =D juz remember my fren said dat.

oklah. ermm kalo any1 yg bace ni, terase yg dier x septtnye bgtau her/his prob to me. i'm sorry. dats not what i meant. n kalo dier terase yg dier septtnye tell me her/his prob, then i'll always welcome u. =)

ja ne~! mata ne~!

1 comment:

starry~ said...

kadang kadang rasa nak simpan rahsia sorg. kadang kadang rasa nak share. kadang kadang nak share tapi takut. lots n lots more kadang kadang. takpe lah. kalau org tu rasa nak cite, lend them ur ears. kalau tidak, maybe org tu rasa lebih comfortable simpan sendiri. so xpelah. :)