Saturday, April 26, 2008

Since I blocked any entering into this blog, I've been writing bad and sad things.. I wonder why? mindset kot.. and i need someone yg bulih keep my secret and saye bulih percaye sepenuh hati.. yup.. saye xdek org mcm tu.. my head's been weighing all the hardships and sadnesses to the point that i cant see the fact that committing suicide is a bad thing.. why? why i feel like this? I feel that if i die, i can be free from all the problems and troubles.. no!!

i want someone who i can tell her everything that i cant bear.. i want someone that will say everything will be fine.. i want someone to say to me that she will always be there for me.. i want her hand to caress my hair and let me cry my heart out.. i've always been a bad muslim.. i forget about Him and when my problems piled up, i regret being in this thariq.. yup.. i'm a bad muslim..
dr pg td i feel so lost to study.. even to reply emel from company.. then my housemate ask me to join her in our usual dinner as she wanted to go somewhere else.. but i said it is too early so she asked me to wait for her at 8pm to eat together... but not too long after she went out.. my another housemate invite me, but i said that we are supposed to eat at 8pm, as we promised our housemate, but she said she wants to go out.. so she siad she will eat first.. the b4 8pm, she was already at home.. so i asked her but... nah it's nothing special.. but one thing i learned today.. to us, there's rule that unconsciously created.. there's no such thing as 'our' mad'u.. my mad'u is mine alone and dont touch..
hahahha dgn ilmu saye yg kecik dan pendek ni.. mmg saye x layak nk nasihatkan dier.. and there're no dose n pahale dlm ijtihad dakwah.. as long as our destination is Allah Swt alone.. but why? why such respond? adekah sbb saye jeles sbb dier ade someone yg dier bulih adu.. yg dier akan pegi cite sume bende.. sume bende baik n jahat.. saye kalo gaduh ngan org, saye akan cepat lupe.. sbb saye tau saye byk salah ngan org.. tp kenape gaduh yg satu hari itu saye x leh lupe.. kenape? adekah sbb keburukan n keaiban saye terbuke luas? adekah kerana dier 'sakit' tp punya doktor, manakala saye sakit, saye tiada doktor?

ahh saye sudah penat mengeluh mengenangkan nasib hidup saye.. haha.. bagaimanakah takdir hidup saye? miserable kah? bagaimana pula dgn pengakhiran hidup saye?
jwpnnye: wallahua'lam

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