Satu minuman xleh tinggal selain teh o ais, adalah nescafe ais.
hasrat hati nk membasmi lemak cam susah je. ahahha so dlm kol 215 turun g ajidon, niat nk g beli jambu (utk thn lapar xmo mkn) n nescafe ais (utk thn ngantok sbb kije bertimbun)
lalu depan 7e yg ade sorg budak tu terlebih frenly sampaikan kecoh satu 7e tu kalo kitorg borak dlm tu.
heh heh.
then sampai kat depan kedai mann yg jual masakan kampung. sedap tp xlalu mkn for various reasons. ahahaa dont ask~!
mate tertgk this one guy yg ngah mkn sorg. n at the same time dier pon looking at me.
hmmm first impression, "nape dier wat rambut dier cam tu ek? ahahha sbb that guy bdn besar, wearing white shirt, have 'clean' face tp rambut mcm 'ali' =))
then, terus pndg tmpt lain. coz anyone yg pnah lepak ajidon mmg tahu ar. guys kat area tu mmg perasan. :)) (in my opinion la:P) then saw a football match maybe siaran ulangan, seville lawan something.
ahhaha not sure. terus g tmpt jambu, "nak jambu 2 hengget" terus order sdgkan akak tu ngah makan nasik. tersengih2 jap. :P pastu g kat tmpt air, tunggu dier masukkan duit dlm plastik, jap lg nk bank kot. "nak order, nak nescafe ais bungkus ek."
the air guy tu angkat kepale dier then, "nescafe ais ek." pastu g kat jambu lak. uisshh dier baru nk cedok jambu tu.
jeling-jeling kat tmpt air tu, dah nk siap, ngah bungkus so g byr kat air dulu. hulur rm1.80 tepat2 n laki air td sambut. siap urusan beli air, g kat jambu lak, still x siap lg. tunggu kejap then siap, hulur 2 hengget n done.
mase nk kembali ke opis, ade one girl nih ngadap tv n mkn sorg. wearing quite modern n sexy attire. plus quite a beauty and she is the reason why i have this urge to write this entry.
bcoz nmpk mcm moden n 'high class' tp dier mkn nasik gune tgn n agak canggung. :P tp x same kan sexy |= high class. dier nmpk lembut tp agak pelik mkn nasik gune tgn. mebi dier baru nk try-try idop ngan mkn nasik gune tgn.
as for a certain reason (some of us know) 2 3 hari ni asik dgr lagu hidup ini memang susah by yassin. quite unique but nope bkn nk ckp psl ni.
some of us kate kite kene tgk hidop ngan optimis but how optimis we can be.
if la kan.
remember this is an if~!
kite dimasukkan dalam satu hospital and the hospital bed yg kite dpt tu is the last one. then the doctor said that we have no hope (penyakit kronik la. nauzubillah) then xlame lepas tu there's one small girl, about 9-10 yrs old kene masuk hospital but no bed for her.
r u willing to give up ur bed to her? upon hearing that u have no hope?
dont answer, dont think coz first thing that pops up in our mind is our stand.
makin kite pk, makin kurg kepercayaan kite terhdp decision kite tu.
cnth la kan kite decide nk give up the bed coz we have already give up on the hope to survive, then after some thinking kite decide xnk give up. n believe me kite akan pk about that girl for a longest time.
kite bulih pupuk (wow!) stand kite. how to do it, depends on us. no one can do it for us.
for the giving up issue, well, for me we can be optimistic but for certain extend. blaja sume ni dalam kelas sebenarnye n rasenye i cant graduate that class with my current way of thinking.
no joke.
k lah. back to work. got a warning from rogue actually. but stuck!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
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kasian kau xde kawan nak makan.. tapi sama mcm situasi aku skrg lah. sorg. so ada peluang berdiet! :D
diet eh lolo. kak niz pun hari hari makan sorang. nak makan ngan mat saleh? ow no. dorang tak makan sambal belacan.
haha.. nk wat cemane.. :P jom berdiet.. hehe lepas tu taim dinner.. mkn puas2 ek.. =))
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