Wednesday, February 28, 2007

salam wrt..

Sir George Bernard Show 'The Genuine Islam' - Vol. 1 No.8 1926

"If any religion had the chance of ruling over England, nay Europe within the next hundred years, it could be Islam"


Monday, February 26, 2007


Assalalamualaikum wrt..

first and foremost.. anything that i write here is fillah.. bukn nk komplain.. bukn nk menyebarkan fitnah(mksd fitnah dlm bahase arab ek.. bukn melayu) kdg2 org salah anggap psl tulih blog ni.. x salah kan.. yg salah adalah bile kite menimbulkan fitnah atau pun terlalu taksub (sama ada pemikiran atau pun masa)

yesterday.. kak mum cerite kat saye.. ade a few adek2 dtg umah mase hari sabtu.. saye x dek coz g jumpe kwn.. from her story.. i really can understand how they feel.. kak mum adalah seorang yg baik.. sgt frenly.. letak jek sesape sure kak mum buleh masuk ngan org tu.. saye bukn berniat nk mengagung2 kan kak mum.. tapi itulah yg saye respect ngan kak mum.. sbb itulah antare ciri2 yg saye xdek.. kalo letak saye ngan sesape yg ntah dari mane.. kompem x bertegur sape.. lebey kurg ngan org melayu.. letak la sorg bdk melayu (pompuan la) mungkin la saye tegur or dier tegur.. tapi x kan sampai tahap kak mum nyer.. from the first meeting dier buleh berborak cam dah lame knal n org tu buleh comfortable ngan kak mum.. same as me mase saye first year..
kite as muslim kenelah apabila org tgk kite.. akan mengingatkan org itu pd islam.. (?) mmg la kalo locals kat sini sure la bile diorg tgk kite.. first thing adalah islam yg iorg pk.. kalaulah org tu berjaye mengingatkan kite pd islam (tanpa org tu bukak mulut.. or belum pun org tu buat ape2) mknenye org tu mmg berjaye menyampaikan ape yg septtnye disampaikan.. saye nk jadi org mcm tu.. tp saye x nk la lepas ni korg tgk saye pastue terigt entry saye pastue terigt islam.. tu bukn niat saye or tu bukn ape yg saye nak.. saye x nk la amik shortcut cam tu.. mmg la in the end org tu akan terigt pd islam.. tp tu x kan tahan lame.. kalo saye tulih psl mende lain.. dier akan terigt psl mende tu pulak kan? huhu.. manusia ni mudah lupa.. so sentiase la ingat mengingati.. walau dgn sesiapa pun.. that's the best thing to do kan..

jumpe lagi kat next entry..see u when i see u..

wassalam wrt..


Assalamualaikum wrt..

i love my frens.. y? ermmm coz...(?) nape ek? ntah la.. i cant find the real reason.. i love them.. fillah.. so much that i dont wanna find any substitute.. my family jenis yg x cakap kalo sayang kat someone.. our actions determine how much we love someone.. tapi mayb sbb pengaruh kengkwn sekeliling saye nie.. i started to say such words.. everyday.. someone said to me before.. those words can b ur gud luck.. of course we dont believe such thing but kan Allah SWT pernah cakap dalam al-Quran.. yg kite kene la sayang saudara kite seperti kite sayang diri kite sendiri.. hehe..

aku berteleku seketika
langit membawa berita
gerimis bakal berkunjung

hatiku sayu
sedu menahan sebak
inikah yang akan kuterima?
inikah balasannya?
inikah keputusanNya?
inikah pengakhirannya?

ya Allah
teguhkanlah hati-hati ini
satukanlah hati-hati ini
sesungguhnya kami
rindukan redhaMu..


Friday, February 23, 2007

Nothing to offer

one by one
falling thru ur cheek
ur eyes
looking at me

i hav nothing
nothing to offer

i dont hav money
but i hav shoulder
for u to cry on

i dont hav car
but i hav hand
to reach out for u
when u fell

i dont hav status
but i hav heart
to transmit my love

please dont cry
ur tears
tearing me apart

Look into my eyes - Outlandish

Thursday, February 22, 2007

learn as u're growing!

Assalamualaikum wrt..

these a few days i dont feel ok.. ermm org kate sbb perubahan cuace.. tp whether kat sini sejuk cam tu gak.. xdek tande2 nk berubah pon except u can find bunge2 kecik kat padang2.. hehe so cute~

a couple of weeks ago.. i watched a reality tv show.. well yg educated la.. its not like akademi fantasia.. the show investigates how u should watch over children's food.. that time they proved that if u restricted certain food to ur children.. they will b more interested in that food.. for example in ur house ur mom keep well chocs n sweets.. ur mom said that u can only eat certain amount of them per day.. in the show.. an experiment was carried out for a bout a week or 10 days..(i cant remember) in the experiment dier gune 2 bende.. satu raisins and another one is mango yg dah dikeringkan(i forgot wut's called).. at first (dier gune sample kanak2 kat nursery) diorg suke 2-2 same rate.. but after the experiment was carried out.. they like raisins more than the mango.. sbb raisins hanye buleh makan at restricted time.. but the mango buleh all the time.. then they make a conclusion.. if u wanna restrict ur children in something.. it's better kalo x dek langsung.. huhu
it's the same thing with other things than food.. such as tv.. tv? huhu ermmm camne ek? huhu buleh ke? hmmm
wassalam wrt

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Why i became a muslim?

As for Islam Awareness Week, i went to the second talk this evening.. n i really interested in the topic.. pierced thru my heart and numbed my head.. i always had a this kind of thought in my head.. that one day ppl will get the hidayah.. but i forgot that it's our responsibility.. it's our job to make sure everyone of them reaches that point.. and after we do our best.. it's all in qadar/fate..

there're 4 speakers.. 3 brothers and a sister.. the sister is jus reverted to islam about 3 months a go.. she's from Italy and been staying ere for about 4 years.. from brothers side.. 2 of them are Niger and another one is british.. among the brothers yg saye plaing respect adalah yg british tu.. he reverted to islam 4 years a go and after he became a muslim he went to study in egypt.. n wow! that's a great turn in his life.. when he recites the ayaah.. it's like he understand every bit of them and it amazes me.. he's still in his Manchester slang.. n the way he explains things is really interesting.. coz he went thru wut non-muslims go thru.. also the others..
there's a similar pattern in their past life.. it proves 'hadith logam'.. i cant find the exact sentence but it sounds like this..:"manusia itu seperti logam. Jika dia hebat ketika jahiliyyahnya, maka dia akan hebat ketika Islamnya, sekiranya dia faham"

there was one analogy that i really interested in.. after we understand wut islam is all about.. it's like we are in highway.. we look to the other side.. it's jammed, there're accidents, ppl in panic, ppl in pain etc etc.. but ppl keep going to the same direction coz they dont know about the accident.. it's really open up our eyes n our mind.. we clearly know where we are going n we clearly know wut we should do..

one of the speakers said to us(muslims in the hall) that the number of non-muslims is showing that we're not doing our work.. the fact that the quantity of muslims is greater than the number of non-muslims proves that we're not progressing.. one question was asked.. wut is the best method of da'wahif we want to spread the islam to the ppl around us.. considering that we hav many non-muslims frens.. he said our akhlaq.

wassalam wrt..

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

the purpose of life~

Assalamualaikum wrt..

i went to a talk sempena Islamic Awareness Week yesterday(monday).. the speaker is a Niger and reverted to Islam when he was young.. i thot the talk will bout the topic and a bit more in approaching non-muslims.. but mayb bcoz of most of the audiences are muslims.. he seems to focus more on muslims.. so i'm a bit disappointed.. huhu..

since he was young till now.. he said he is still treated differently bcoz of his race and sebab tu lah dier agak tekan kan sket la psl isu racism ni.. he said that the racism thing was started by Satan.. when the Satan said something about race when Allah asked Satan to give respect to Adam.. so y we're following Satan altho we said Satan is our enemy? huhu.. it was my first time hearing things like that..

he told us one story tht i've nvr heard.. i'm not sure where he took the story.. one man did all the good deeds, prays and a very good 'muslim' for about 60 years.. then one day he committed a sin - zina(adultery) for a bout 6 days.. pastue dier insaf and for 3 days dier dok kat dlm masjid.. he did nothing but on the third day he had a bread roll.. he divided the bread into 2.. one he gave it to the person on his right n one to his left.. then ditakdirkan oleh Allah SWT.. he died.. bile mase Hari Perhitungan.. the 6 days he committed zina is heavier than the 60 years he did the ibadah.. but bile timbang ngan bread roll tu.. bread roll is heavier..

~kite bukan selalu g usrah.. ermm mayb skrg kite x join pun usrah.. so y not we support who're striving to make ppl around us understand bout Islam by attend their lecture.. well if u feel that ilmu islam kat dada dah cukup(nauzubillah).. that's the least thing we can do rite? we can spend our time go to cinema.. we mark our calendar on the valentine's day.. so y not we do the same thing to the islamic talk? it's worth ur time, i'm not going to say trust me.. but trust Allah k~

Sunday, February 18, 2007

IPK aka PDC macam2~

Assalamualaikum wrt..

bertemu lagi kite di meja blogger yg amat sket ilmu/pengalaman yg nk dikongsi.. hehe.. my parents bukn jenis yg mengatakn sayang dan kasihnya pd kami, anak2nya.. so bcoz of that i dont know how to express my feelings to other ppl/frens.. my mom( we call her mama..:p) kuat gak ar membebell. thats y saye pon turut la mewarisi tahap kronik kebebelannya itu.. haha well mama suka buat sesuatu as an act to show her gratitude to us.. ermm cnthnye.. mase summer ari tu saye balik umah for the first time after saye dtg oversea.. saye skrg suke pakai baju kurung.. baju punjab(jubah seluar).. baju sampai lutut.. baju cotton.. dress yg 2 lapis.. i've never say a word bout my dressing, bout i want this or i want that kind of baju.. or stuff like that.. but after a few days saye balik umah.. (she's still working as a teacher n my father dah pencen..hehe skrg hobby dier tanam pokok keliling umah.. sbb tu la bilek saye byk pokok..:D) one day my mom balik2 umah dr keje ngan satu beg plastic kat tgn.. tertibe dier hulur kat saye ngan sengih2.. (huhu i miss that smile..) saye cam terkejut ar sbb x sangke kan.. well selain baju kurung.. parents saye dah lame x belikan baju... huhu bile saye bukak tu dapatla baju jubah seluar 2 psg.. yg saye suke giler kaler dier.. huhu..

ok ok dah.. udah.. saye baru knal ngan sorg postgrad ni..her name is mkck Ummi Kalthom.. yesterday we had a circle wit k asyif.. at that time.. cik Ummi came to our house.. coz dier boring dok sorg2 kat umah.. xdek org kat umah.. so she asked to join the circle.. of course la buleh.. among a few topics yg kitorg diskas ade la psl yg nape org yg dah lalai or dah terpesong dr jln Allah SWT yg sbenar.. kite tgk diorg hidup sng n kaye raye.. ermm kitorg tau la yg sure la diorg dah x dihiraukan oleh Allah SWT.. tu yg diorg x dek dugaan.. pastue Cik Ummi pon cite la.. dier pnah dgr sorg ustaz ni ckp.. analogy bg kes tu.. cam sorg mak yg tgh buat keje pastue ade la anak dier dtg kacau.. mak dier ni malas nk layan... so mak dier pon kasi la duit suruh g beli aiskrim or g main jauh2..
it struck me really hard.. coz saye x pnah terfikir analogy cam tu kan.. sedey kan kalo jadi cam tu.. coz mknenye bdk tu dah xdek nilai di mate mak dier.. sbb ye la.. dier g kaco mak dier sbb nk perhatian mak dier kan.. tp sbb dah x dek nilai mak dier x perhatikan or x layan ar.. saye bukn nk kate yg org yg lalai tu g ngadu kat Allah SWT tp Allah SWT x layan.. bukan!!! tp nak kate tu la perumpamaan.. sedey kan? n saye bukn nk kate org kaye tu sume nye lalai.. bukan.. harta tu adalah satu dugaan gak.. tp org yg makin kaye n gune harte tu ke arah keduniaan jugak.. tu la yg Allah SWT malas nk layan dah tu.. tp iA kalo org yg dah tak dihiraukan tu.. kalo kembali pd jln sbenar.. Allah SWT seluas2 nya bukak pintu rahmatNya kan.. analogy nye.. spt seorg pemilik unta betine yg dpt balik untanya yg ilang.. unta kan pd zaman dulu sgt berharge.. tmbh2 lak unte betine.. bleh dpt susu.. nnt dpt anak ramai.. cam ferrari ar zaman skrg.. (ermm mcm ku dgr ayat nie.. hehe) kalo dah hilang tu mesti la g cari kan.. unta mane ade aqal kan.. so kat padang pasir tu kalo dah ilang tu kompem la sesat.. x kan la unte tu ade sesungut cam semut buleh carik jln balik.. so bile pemilik unte tu dah give up.. dier bersandar la kat pokok.. give up kan.. dah la panas.. tau kan camne perasaan give up pd mende yg sgt berharge.. tertibe dr kejauhan dier ternampak unte dier tu berjalan menuju ke arah nye.. dgn sendirinye.. suke x pemilik tu? mesti ar suke giler.. huhu.. mase tu saye pk huiyooo.. kalo la mende yg saye paling syg ilang pastue dtg balik.. tang tang tu gak la g bungkus elok2 mende tu kan.. simpan tmpt yg selamat.. supaye x ilang..kalo nk dibandingkan gembire Allah SWT lagi berbanding pemilik unte tu kalo kite kembali pdNya.. analogy saje tu.. huhu.. wokeh la.. dah pnjg dah ni.. sbenarnye saye nk tulih psl IPK or PDC yg baru selesai td.. tp x pe la.. hehe dakwat pen dah kering

wassalam wrt... uhibukunna fillah~

Friday, February 16, 2007

Miracle in the womb

Assalamualaikum wrt..

i watched tv juz now.. and ditakdirkan at that time ade rancangan miracle in the womb.. the program is about pregnancy and twins.. how the twins survive in the womb comparing to a single baby.. me n k mum wanted to watch this prog for so long.. hehe but poor k mum.. she had circle at that time..
it's very interesting.. u should watch it.. i mean when i hav the chance.. there're a lots of new things i get from it.. antarenye i juz knew that after 27 pregnancy the fetus can open its eyes n sees the surrounding.. well it never struck me b4.. i juz cant imagine how it's like to juz see that only sight for more than 10 weeks.. well i'm sure that baby will nvr get bored of it.. well yeah.. it can nvr imagine wut's life after it gets out..
in the prog it shows a lots of things bout twins.. there're also triplet n quad.. (i'm not sure whether i'm using the right term..:p) hav u observed one of the child among the twins.. when they hav a fight amng those two.. one of them will go to his/her bed n lays his/her head down on the pillow.. they said that in the womb it's also like that.. they will get comfortable when they lay down on the placenta..
actually i hav things to complain today... but bcoz i watched the prog TODAY so i'll write bout those things 2morrow.. well things like how ppl in Malaysia try to realize their ideal nation.. how ppl try to fight for their justice while it's not the case for others.. lots of things that play wit ur common sense..

(3:61) Kemudian sesiapa yang membantahmu (wahai Muhammad) mengenainya, sesudah engkau beroleh pengetahuan yang benar, maka katakanlah kepada mereka: Marilah kita menyeru anak-anak kami serta anak-anak kamu dan perempuan-perempuan kami serta perempuan-perempuan kamu dan diri kami serta diri kamu, kemudian kita memohon kepada Allah dengan bersungguh-sungguh, serta kita meminta supaya laknat Allah ditimpakan kepada orang-orang yang berdusta.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The People of the Boxes - Dawud Warnsby Ali

There were once some people who all saw their lives like empty boxes.
They looked all around the world, collecting up the things they liked.
They filled their lives and empty boxes with the goodies that they gathered
And they all felt in control, content, and they all felt alright.
Then they climbed inside their boxes and they settled with their trinkets.
They neither looked, nor learned much more and closed their lids up tight.
Once they’d fastened up their boxes they smiled there inside,
and they all thought in their darkness that the world was clear and bright.
But the world is not a box.
There’s no lid, no doors, no cardboard flaps or locks,
and everything in nature from the clouds to the rocks
is a piece of the puzzle of the purpose of mankind.
It's a piece of the peace of Islam.

Along came a wondering wise man whispering such words of truth,
who stumbled on these boxes, so separate side by side.
He knocked upon the first one saying, “Please come out and feel the day.”
An answer came from deep within, “You’re not of us please go away.”
He approached the second box and tapped thrice on the lid saying,
“Peace to you inside, shall I show you a new way?”
Someone peeked out from a crack and said, “You may just have a point,
but it’s so comfy in my box, in my box here I will stay.”
But the world is not a box.
There’s no lid, no doors, no cardboard flaps or locks,
and everything in nature from the clouds to the rocks
is a piece of the puzzle of the purpose of mankind.
It's a piece of the peace of Islam.

He stood before the final box, a hiding face peeked out to him,
and much to his surprise, he said “I recognize those eyes!
I see you and you see me so why not come out and be free?
Faith and flowers wilt and die if they are hidden from the sky!
`Cause the world is not a box.
There’s no lid, no doors, no cardboard flaps or locks,
and everything in nature from the clouds to the rocks
is a piece of the puzzle of the purpose of mankind.
It's a piece of the peace of Islam.”

Now centuries lie between all the prophets and you and I.
Civilizations are born and die each and every day.
We see good and bad and happy-sad and mad mistakes
we wish we hadn’t made in our attempt to try and live up to their way.
But if we hide ourselves away, afraid to grow and learn,
we might wake up in the flames of the ignorance that burns,
and we’ll never be much more than only casualties of war
in a struggle we can’t win if we have no faith to begin.
We’ve got to tip the lid and let some sunlight in,
`Cause the world is not a box.
There’s no lid, no doors, no cardboard flaps or locks,
and everything in nature from the clouds to the rocks
is a piece of the puzzle of the purpose of mankind.
It's a piece of the peace of Islam

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

my heart is aching~

assalamualaikum wrt..

i hav a fren.. i can say a quite close fren.. we always exchange mail n msg.. n of course to the extent she tell me her problems.. of course i can only comfort her n give her words of encouragement.. i did n do wut i can for her.. but bcoz of certain circumstances... those are still not enuf.. (i think she'll read this.. hehe sori ek.. but this is wut i feel~)

recently her problems increase.. she havnt solve her old problems but the new ones keep on rise.. i really love her n it hurts me seeing her like that.. struggling wit the problems.. yeah! i know everyone has their own problems.. n also a quite amount of it.. but bcoz of the one i care so much.. that's y i dont want to give others trouble.. yeah~ of course all of us dont wanna give others trouble by being hard to handle but it's juz bcoz everyone is different.. i hav such feeling till i become someone who's almost 'ok' wit everything.. that's y when u ask me to decide one something such as where to eat, where to stay, when to eat (such daily things or such small things) u'll hear me say ' i dont care' or it's up to u'.. it's not that i juz follow the others trend or something like that.. but bcoz i'm really 'ok' wit it..

ermm berbalik pd kwn saye td.. this morning i received a msg from her.. she's facing a few probs that connected (like food-chain..:p) she told me her probs n wut she feels about them.. but in the middle of that.. she had to stop.. bcoz of a new prob.. waaaa :( everytime i recall that.. my heart aches.. i feel like i wanna fly like superwoman to go to her.. i wanna hold her hand.. (xleh describe more.. jadik pelik haha) but that's fren for u rite? so dont hurt ur fren.. n dot get hurt over something trivial.. that's when Satan will whisper to ur heart.. huhu

got to go now.. wut do u think of that? can we live without frens? our mouth will say 'no, we cant'!! but will our body plus our mind say the same thing? time to muhasabah ourselves..

wassalam wrt..

Monday, February 12, 2007

brighter day..

one day..
walking through another hard day
every step i take
heavier as ever

i look up to the sky
it is such a dark day..
i lose all the energy
to take another step forward..

u reach out ur hand
u smile for me
u wait till i stand up

my legs feel lighter
the sky look so blue

it is just another bright day..

Thursday, February 08, 2007

kite baik ke jahat?

Assalamualaikum wrt..

i juz got back from leamington 5 juz now.. while on my way back.. i'm thinking bout wut ain said to me.. huhu i joined k jah n am's circle.. it's not my circle.. so ain said i'm a good person..(ermm kalo tulih dlm bashe inggeris.. hilang feel dier.. dier kate "waa.. baiknye sheila.." something like that..) it's not that i want to justify everything i did or do.. it's juz every single step that u take.. u hav reasons for it rite? i feel i'm not good enuf.. i feel that i really need to be reminded all the time.. that's y i choose to stay wit someone next yr.. but when someone said that sentence to me.. sometimes tergugat gak la.. our real intention will mixed up.. n sometimes will lost our way.. huhu i dont want that.. so plz dont praise me.. i dont deserve that.. i dont need that..

y ppl praise others? coz they only want to express their feelings clearly to others? or juz sbb nk amik hati org tu? sejauh manekah keikhlasan hati kite? same tinggikah keikhlasan hati kite spt Bilal yg suaranye dpt dinikmati oleh malaikat2? huhu..

"ketahuilah pada setiap jasad itu seketul daging. Andainya ia baik, baiklah seluruh jasad itu dan sekiranya ia rosak maka rosaklah seluruh jasad itu. Itulah hati"


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

masa makin berkurang, kerja makin bertambah

assalamualaikum wrt..

i'm making 2 posts today..

i read an article in Berita Harian juz now..u can read it ere n this is only my opinion.. no influence from other source or any party..
"Sebenarnya, jihad mempertahankan negara boleh dilihat dalam pelbagai sudut. Setiap Muslim boleh digelar pejuang asalkan melakukan sesuatu usaha untuk kebaikan negara. Sesuatu yang dilakukan dengan satu semangat yang kental dan ikhlas adalah satu jihad."

In the article, it said that we 'wajib' defending our country.. it makes me think.. who put us in that situation? i mean other than Allah SWT, who else can say we 'wajib' or 'haram' or 'harus' etc etc.. siape kite nk menjatuhkan hukum ke atas sesuatu.. i know ade berbagai care nk menjatuhkan hukum.. cam ijma' ulamak.. gune maqasid n stuff.. tp cube bygkan we live in US (i mean as US citizens) so kite wajib la memperthnkan US? altho they send their army to palestine? altho they help Israel? *sigh*
ade juge hukum hakam yg ditentukan oleh pemerintah.. tp kalo pemerintah yg x berlandaskan hukum yg Allah tetapkan? perlukah kite? saye tau saye jahil tp i'm learning n i'm responding..
wut i cant agree with the author is dier kate untuk kebaikan negare.. kalo lah dier berani nk mengishtiharkan negare yg wajib diperthnkan tu negare Islam.. iA anytime i'll be willing to go to jihad.. n as the author said jihad x semestinye berperang.. huh tertibe saye rase sgt emotional.. yup i'm very emotional in this matter.. coz ni lah lembah ternakan saye.. padang tanaman saye.. ni lah saham saye.. kalo saye salah.. i'm willing to take any comment/correction or anything.. but something has to be done..

hehe wokeh la.. got work to do.. wassalam

merengek saje~

Assalamualaikum wrt..

hehe.. dlm previous entry.. nmpk kan saye bengang giler.. hehe x dek ape2 tu.. saye dah ok dah.. sometimes bile saye x rase marah i tell myself to suppress my anger kalo saye marah.. kan kite tau marah tu adalah salah satu care syaitan nk membisik dlm hati kite.. syaitan tunggu peluang nk bisik kat hati kite.. so i always tell myself.. i should be composed n calm down.. tp bile saye dlm keadaan marah or bengang.. i forget all that.. it's juz i know but i cant.. huhu.. ni la bukti lemahnye kite as manusia kan.. hati kite.. kite x semestinye dpt control..

last nite yana came to our house.. yana selalu gak ar bace blog saye.. so dier tau ar psl entry yg saye tgh marah2 tu.. yana xtau org umah ni x bace blog saye.. pastue mase tgh borak2 tu terkantoi ar.. ape lagi.. lepas tu k asyif bace ar (dier jumpe blog saye dr yana nye blog..cehh) pastue k mum lak bace.. (pengaruh k asyif) pastue k zai.. ermm lepas tu sume org tau!!! waaaaaaaa... saye tulih sume tu sbb saye tau org umah ni mmg x bace blog.. waaaa huhuhuhuhuuu.. i didnt mean that.. ye la... mmg la saye yg tulih tp saye kan dlm keadaan marah.. the next day lepas saye marah tu saye dah ok balik dah.. bile saye pk balik saye rase nyesal la.. but at that time i didnt know wut to do.. i didnt know how to calm down.. i'm not sure whether this is hadith or not.. yg kate kalo kamu berdiri ketike tgh marah, make duduk lah.. n so on.. so dah byk kali saye duduk.. siap tido lagi bile duduk x berjaye.. i took a shower.. i pray.. (ermm mayb doa saye x termakbul mase tu :((..)

saye xtau ape org lain pk mase bace blog saye tu.. but i believe ppl around me know me better.. hehe nway thnx to every1.. my housemates yg bace blog saye tu.. gave me hugz.. comfort me n stuffs tp mase tu saye dah ok.. dah terlebih ok dah.. hehe nway jzkk

well this is juz curahan hati saye yg x seberape nie.. saye xdek la baik sgt.. saye x dek la best pon dibawak berkwn.. so terime lah saye seade nye.. iA saye akan terime org lain seadenye..


Monday, February 05, 2007

sometimes wut u give, u wont get it back~

assalamualaikum wrt..

wut will i write below is juz for my satisfaction n tidak ditujukan kpd mane2 pihak.. so dont misunderstand or making assumption..
saye penat.. balik ke rumah to get some rest.. mase mule2 masuk umah rase best coz my stuff arrived earlier... so i took my stuff n went upstairs to my room.. waaa cant wait to reach my sweet room.. i reached at my door.. the door was opened.. i had a bad feeling bout that.. so i opened my room.. i was speechless.. this is not how i left my room 2 days ago.. ade a few selimut on my bed.. a few pillows that r not supposed to be there.. alas carpet dilipat pdhal septtnye terbentang kat atas carpet.. ade a few sampah n carpet kotor.. perfume bilek x dipasang.. tingkap tak dibukak.. heater terpasang.. my cd jatuh.. ade org gune shampoo (kitorg stuju x share) n byk lagi kalo saye nk buat list.. bukn saye saje nk carik salah tp nie lah dugaan.. Allah akan duga kite ngan apa yg paling kite care.. all the stuff tu ok lagi.. tp bile saye tgk comp saye switched off~ saye dah sampai x leh layan k zai.. biasenye saye akan berborak biase tp saye senyap jek.. i cant say any words coz it will explodes me.. boleh kalo nk gune bilek saye.. tp tinggalkan brg saye yg digunekan tu dlm keadaan asal.. bile saye switched on balik my comp.. there's something wrong wit my comp.. lagi la saye (.....) internet connection teruk giler.. n i hav to restarted my comp TWICE!!..
pokok2 kat bilek saye layu.. sbb x bukak tingkap n sbb bukak heater.. bile saye g toilet.. ade alas kaki yg tgh dijemur tp heater x bukak lak.. tingkap x bukak lak.. camne nk kering kalo cam tu..

i took a shower to cool my head down.. n when k asyif opened the door without knocked it first, i juz blew up! sorry k asyif.. kalo saye ckp ngan sesape skrg nie saye akan tension..

i'll pray after this.. i dont hav anyone but Allah~