Friday, February 16, 2007

Miracle in the womb

Assalamualaikum wrt..

i watched tv juz now.. and ditakdirkan at that time ade rancangan miracle in the womb.. the program is about pregnancy and twins.. how the twins survive in the womb comparing to a single baby.. me n k mum wanted to watch this prog for so long.. hehe but poor k mum.. she had circle at that time..
it's very interesting.. u should watch it.. i mean when i hav the chance.. there're a lots of new things i get from it.. antarenye i juz knew that after 27 pregnancy the fetus can open its eyes n sees the surrounding.. well it never struck me b4.. i juz cant imagine how it's like to juz see that only sight for more than 10 weeks.. well i'm sure that baby will nvr get bored of it.. well yeah.. it can nvr imagine wut's life after it gets out..
in the prog it shows a lots of things bout twins.. there're also triplet n quad.. (i'm not sure whether i'm using the right term..:p) hav u observed one of the child among the twins.. when they hav a fight amng those two.. one of them will go to his/her bed n lays his/her head down on the pillow.. they said that in the womb it's also like that.. they will get comfortable when they lay down on the placenta..
actually i hav things to complain today... but bcoz i watched the prog TODAY so i'll write bout those things 2morrow.. well things like how ppl in Malaysia try to realize their ideal nation.. how ppl try to fight for their justice while it's not the case for others.. lots of things that play wit ur common sense..

(3:61) Kemudian sesiapa yang membantahmu (wahai Muhammad) mengenainya, sesudah engkau beroleh pengetahuan yang benar, maka katakanlah kepada mereka: Marilah kita menyeru anak-anak kami serta anak-anak kamu dan perempuan-perempuan kami serta perempuan-perempuan kamu dan diri kami serta diri kamu, kemudian kita memohon kepada Allah dengan bersungguh-sungguh, serta kita meminta supaya laknat Allah ditimpakan kepada orang-orang yang berdusta.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum wbt..

Subhanallah, ajaib sungguh ciptaan Tuhan :) Alhamdulillah terbaca blog sheila, lama sungguh kita tak jumpa ye? sejak winter 2005.. huhu, kenangan silam..

Moga terus istiqamah menulis utk mengetuk pintu hati..
