With or without we realize, we're some kind of worst human of all. Why? Because we are not consistent in what we are doing. When the season comes, we go with it and when the season is gone our passionate also gone with the wind. Who decide the season? Human. We care less for the minor stuff like fashion, artist, art, culture etc etc. But as for our brotherhood? Why can't we be honest with ourselves? I'm also among those worst people. In my browser's bookmarks, there's a site that I can count with my finger how many times I open the site this month. When I realize it, I feel really bad and regret it a lot. When people are talking about Palestine, we busy ourselves with reading all those info and latest news about Palestine but when the the season cold (or cool? =P i think it's the same unliterally) down, we also cold down with the season. Why? Is it because of the feeling of wanting to show off that we care for our brothers and sisters that we take notice about them? What are our real intention really? I am not that good to preach people about what we should do or what should we avoid. We always hear people around us say (mayb that including us.. who knows) that we are not that good to tell others to do good deeds and leave what are haram for us to do, so we decide to live a life that simpler and common. What should we say to them? Should we leave it like that? Or should we meddle around with their life and future? I've said this many times before. Human, all are selfish. Why? Because we are alone. We are alone in the life hereafter. People won't care about us or we don't have time/'power' to care about others. So what's the point of meddling around with others life and future? But "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, jika kamu menolong (agama) Allah, nescaya Dia menolong kamu dan menetapkan tapak kakimu" 47:7Allah said this in al-Quran. Allah doesn't want the result, He wants the process. He knows the result and we should care less about the result because it's already written and the ink's already dried up. The philosophers since 500 B.M have been discussing about death and life but none of them can be so sure about their theories. Because none of them have been dead and revived. So they can't tell what is life and what is death. It's possible that we die within these a few seconds. Allah can do it. It's logic, we don't need scientific explanation. But what matter is what will happen after we died. Just like the story of Cinderella. We heard the story when she had to go through all the sad things just to be together with the prince and it was (or should i say 'is'? people still believe it and don't want to let it go) a happy ending. But who could guess what happen after their marriage? Is there any story about it? Can the king and queen accept her? Can Cinderella and the prince adapt their life to each other? We can't be sure. Why? Because they're still alive. Live in our belief. So where should we face our trust and belief? We all know the answer. The philosophers said that to all the questions, actually we already know the answer, thats why the questions exist. Lets think by ourselves. Do you ever heard that thinking also counted as an ibadah to Allah SWT? Yup. Hehe.
Maybe the flow of my blog entries is quite messed up, but I want to write about what we are thinking everyday. We aren't thinking in flow, am i right? Lets be someone who is better than yesterday =P